
How to remove/add new eyes, need expert advice.

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone How to remove/add new eyes, need expert advice.

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        How do you safely remove and then add new eyes to the PYO and also for some production pieces?
        I would like to change some on my pieces.
        (The ones I keeping for good.) πŸ˜‰


          If they are loose, you can work a tool (Like a dentist tool) behind it and wiggle it out. If not, then you risk breaking the sculpt if you pry.


            skigod377 wrote:

            If they are loose, you can work a tool (Like a dentist tool) behind it and wiggle it out. If not, then you risk breaking the sculpt if you pry.

            Is there a way to loosen them?
            I remember in a post somewhere where there was an accident with acetone and it came loose.
            I wonder if that would work. πŸ˜•


              Uh, yeah, people have said acetone would do it… but it will also strip paint I thought?


                I use acetone for stripping paint…it would definately take the paint off… πŸ™‚ I’ve never messed with taking eyes out, too paranoid I’d break something…sorry. 😳


                  We don’t recommend trying to take the eyes out- the risk of breaking the socket and face is very high. I know I always come here with horror stories but it is true that I’ve broken pieces I’ve been working on before when trying to pry loose eyes that were not even glued in.

                  Acetone will definitely strip any paint that may be on the piece. It may also damage the enamel on the eyes- I don’t know for sure.

                  Why are you trying to change the eyes? Did you accidentally get the wrong color?

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                    I just re-read that you wanted to change the eyes on production pieces. I don’t know if that is okay or not. I’ll ask John. We really try to discourage people modifying production pieces.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                      Nambroth wrote:

                      I just re-read that you wanted to change the eyes on production pieces. I don’t know if that is okay or not. I’ll ask John. We really try to discourage people modifying production pieces.

                      Nam, it would only be on pieces I keep for myself. They would never be sold. I would first start with the PYO dragon and then maybe if I have the guts the old warrior and the little rock dragon. That’s all.


                        No problem! I am not trying to berate anyone when I say these things. After all, no one would come to your house and yell at you for putting different eyes in a dragon statue. πŸ˜‰
                        We (and I mean a collective ‘we’ as in all of us and Windstone) are all still learning about this sort of thing and indeed are glad such issues are brought to consideration by the responsible collectors such as yourself. πŸ™‚

                        Another really big issue is that Windstone really wants to discourage the removal of eyes (especially the information on how to do so) by the general public. This is not to try and keep people from expressing creativity- it’s done because there are a good deal of people out there that cast and create counterfeit Windstones. One of the easiest and best ways to determine if a Windstone is fake or not is the fact that fakes have ugly bulbous eyes that were created when the person that made them cast over the original eyes (because they didn’t take them out). It could be a disaster if fakes were made with the eyes removed (and then glass eyes added in).

                        Not that I’m implying that any collectors here would do such a thing! But this is a public forum- potentially hundreds of thousands of people could read this (and the windstone website is the first one to come up if you do an internet search for it). It would take only one person with that info that was shady enough to do this to create a legal nightmare for Windstone as a company. Sadly, the world is full of people that create counterfeit art and rip off the original artist.

                        There is also the consideration that if folks start changing the eye colors on these it can create a huge headache of confusion! Sometimes Windstones legitimately left the factory with weird eye colors (such as orange eyes in the emerald dragons, or blue eyes in the white dragons). Those legitimate mistakes are highly collectible and more valuable because they are rare. Melody herself does not know about all the legitimate mistakes so cannot disprove it if something shows up on eBay that sells as ‘rare accident Windstone’ when in reality is it just a normal production dragon that someone replaced the eyes on. I hope you can see what a problem this could become.

                        I’m not at all trying to argue or make anyone feel bad or anything of the sort- I’m just trying to explain the counter-view on the situation. πŸ™‚

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                        I tend to agree with you Nam. I would think that if you need to know this stuff then I would PM someone.


                          πŸ˜€ Thanks Nam, I understand completely and I don’t think I’ll try it since I really don’t want to break it. 😯 Let’s hope that in the future Windstones might consider making their dragons with reptile’s eyes. πŸ˜‰


                            Blackdesertwind wrote:

                            πŸ˜€ Thanks Nam, I understand completely and I don’t think I’ll try it since I really don’t want to break it. 😯 Let’s hope that in the future Windstones might consider making their dragons with reptile’s eyes. πŸ˜‰

                            I bet they would! They just need to make sure they are the right kind. If the wrong kind of paint is used on the back it can rub off inside the sculpture and make a real mess! That’s why Windstone currently paints all their own eyes. They are experimenting with new eyes (aurora Borealis in the SKs) so there is a good chance! πŸ˜€

                            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                            My art: featherdust.com


                              Can Windstone paint their own reptile eyes? Though, I like the current eyes. They follow you when you walk around!

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