How to paint dapples on horses?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone How to paint dapples on horses?

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        Does anyone have any tips on painting dapples on horses either by brush or airbrush?


          ‘A quick and easy dappling method for solid colors is to mix some paint a shade or two lighter than the color you want to dapple. This paint is then thinned slightly (not too runny!). Using a smallish brush (a number 1 or 2), lightly dab on the paint in the area you want dappled. Only dapple a half dozen at a time. Quickly, before the paint dries, take your finger (or cosmetic sponge) and dab at the dapples, blotting them. You can also dab your then-wet finger on the surrounding area, and this creates fainter dapples in the background. This works great for solid colors as well!’

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