The best way to be notified when things are put into our webstore, or when we have hidden something while we offer it to a waitling list, is to subscribe to this “Store Discusson” section of our Community Forum. When you are logged in you will see a little blue “subscribe” button (I think its in the upper right) when you are on the Store Discussion part of the forum. On this page you are viewing, there is also a purple subscribe button, but I think it will only tell you if people have made comments on this particular post. You want to use that blue button. If you subscribe you will be emailed when we have posted something new on that part of the forum.
This is an extremely useful tool for keeping up to date with any part of our Community Forum! I try to post in the Store Discussion part of our Forum whenever a new item becomes available. Of course, I might forget, or be slightly late with it if we have troubles with the store crashing when we add something new, but we are trying to remedy those issues!
Its also a good idea to confirm that we have your current email address on your Windstone account.
If anyone else has a better way of describing how to do this – feel free to add your comments!