How to fail with a date

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      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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        I had heard this quite a while ago, but it surfaced again in someone’s blog. I thought I’d share – whether it’s real (and it wouldn’t surprise me) or not, it’s still a good laugh.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          A friend had that on her Facebook a while ago and I cracked up laughing. XD I have a feeling that guy’s going to stay single for a very long time with that attitude.


            😆 What a pathetic a**hole! XD XD XD


              /sigh…….just /sigh……..I would have called him back and said: “I’m sorry to have not gotten back to you sooner, I was having my father (who was in the secret service) check up on your background and was taking the time to contact your previous girlfriends. Let’s just say they had some interesting tidbits to share with me. After these little talks, I just have one thing to say….I don’t date impotent men….so please don’t call me again as I’m not at all interested in someone who, despite their enlarged ego, cannot translate that into an enlarged….well you know…So take care and good luck with all those other 6-7 women a day that approach you.” *click*


                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                /sigh…….just /sigh……..I would have called him back and said: “I’m sorry to have not gotten back to you sooner, I was having my father (who was in the secret service) check up on your background and was taking the time to contact your previous girlfriends. Let’s just say they had some interesting tidbits to share with me. After these little talks, I just have one thing to say….I don’t date impotent men….so please don’t call me again as I’m not at all interested in someone who, despite their enlarged ego, cannot translate that into an enlarged….well you know…So take care and good luck with all those other 6-7 women a day that approach you.” *click*

                This is bad [snerkle, snerkle, snerkle] but Cat your comments reminded me of something I did way back when I was dating my husband. There was a guy he worked with that always bragged about the women he had–mind you he was married, but he had this one and that one–these gals couldn’t have enough of him! Well he made the mistake of going out with a friend of mine. His brag was that they were going at it all night and a good part of the next day. Her translation–he was er–you know, impotent. A crane couldn’t have gotten him up, snerkle! 😆

                Well I got this evil thought in my head. 👿 I was commuting by train to my work at the time and I knew where this jerk parked. I visited a gag shop near where I worked and found this cute little box. It read on the top–‘Sorry Senior…’ you open the box and you see this little dead rooster–‘but your cock is dead’. I put that thing on his windshield! Didn’t stay around to see his reaction and told my future husband about it. We both had a pretty good laugh! Sometimes I wish I did stay but he arrived on a much later train and I wanted to get home.

                I wonder if he’s related to this idiot! XD XD

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