
How Time Flies… How Much Have You Improved?

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      I was taking a deep dive into some old CD-Rs attempting to throw out old stuff and just basically clean up the clutter around my desk when I found pictures of my very first PYOs ever! I honestly don’t even remember painting half of them, but here they are in all their nostalgic glory! 😆

      I remember selling the red and yellow one as a customized paint scheme on ebay when PYO griffins were being sold on ebay in the soft feather type prototype castings. This was what the commissioner wanted as the scheme, but I think I’ve improved since then. ROFL! Maybe not so much in my color selection, but at least my painting skills! 😆 I find myself looking back and pondering “What was I Thinking?!?” hahaha!

      Since griffins were basically all there were when I started painting PYOs I just posted griffins so they’re easier to compare.

      Oh man…. I don’t even remember painting this.

      I called this one my Incredible Hulk Griffin for a while before I repainted him entirely. He’s actually my PINK Griffin now 😀

      This was just a bad idea… I don’t know why I wanted to do a Rainbow griffin so badly

      Haha! Now I do remember this one, I remember basing the feathers off a turkey 😆

      Arlla actually got this one from me a long while back! It was Melody’s idea to do a Monarch one

      At this point I started getting real commissions… I think I did this one for Keplily

      and this one for lamortefille

      Blu was for myself, I still have him actually

      and this was in memory of a Bourke Parakeet… I havent really had any new ones since then… I moved onto dragons and Kirins

      So how about you? How have all you improved over the years PYOs have been out? I’m curious to see all your pictures! 😀

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          WOW..those are all great, I love the monarch griffin and the blue tiger one! 😉



          I haven’t improved that much…. I don’t think.

          This is my first, Caramel Orange Carrot. He’s my only PYO to date that has sold on ebay.

          My first attempt at blending…

          My second real commission….

          Peacock Ore. He was for one of the swaps. I forget who got him, but he was flashy. Colin wanted me to keep him!

          Labradorite Uni for mmloda.

          I have to admit I’ve gotten a lot better at blending.

          I liked most of the ones you posted drag0n….. lol the hulk was very amusing…. 😆 And the turkey one and the parakeet ones have to be my favorites out of the ones you posted.


            I can tell quite easily how I improved, though I stil have a long way to go.

            My first PYO ever, Pliny. (Forgive all the lousy photos.)

            My first kirin, Arethusa. Those smooth scales were and still are tough to paint.

            My first commission, Zephyrus. I still like the way he turned out.

            My most popular PYO, Praxithea.

            I can’t choose a favorite or prettiest, though I think I paint the griffins best. I don’t see any linear improvement either; some earlier PYOs seem much better to me than a couple later ones…


              Cool topic, Drag0n!

              This pink griffin was my first and I thought it came out well. I would ‘finish’, take a pic, and notice parts that were still WHITE when I thought I was done!@ 😆 I am better at spotting that now, so that is something.


              Some of my most recent ones, I thought looked professional, like my mulberry keeper

              http://www.windstoneeditions.com/galleries/displayimage.php?album=lastupby&cat=0&pos=1&uid=9 and this Kirin, who was one of my earlier ones but still came out wonderful.


              Then I hit a rut where nothing I painted came out right and I gave it up. I have not finished a PYO since 2008. I think I got a lot better with practice but there was really no place for me to go but up!! 😆


                WOW! A lot of these bring back memories!!!! Great pics everyone! 😀

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Hey, I think your first attempts looked pretty good! I did post some pictures of my first pyos in another thread [have to look for them] and they’re okay and on the low end of okay! Haven’t practiced much because couldn’t nab any in the store lately and then I’ve been busy. Would love to improve whatever it is I’m doing with these things so at least it isn’t an embarrassment to put out! 😆


                    i’ve only painted 1 wolf, 1 griffin, 1 small dragon and 1 Keeper so far. I’m nowhere in the league of many of the people here, but would like the chance to improve. I hope that soon we’re all able to paint more and gain experience.

                    This is the wolf I did a few years ago. It was sold to a forum member. It taught me a LOT about this sort of painting, I’d never done 3D before.

                    This is the griffin. It also was sold to a forum member.
                    😳 I can’t photograph my dragons, as I made them sort of my take on old green, to harmonize with my other dragons. 👿
                    I was just bad and bought another Keeper, though, if I don’t have to sell him before I can paint him…


                      Hey, I remember that repaint, Drag0n!

                      My very first PYO was a smooth feather griffin bought off ebay. I had no idea what I was doing:

                      He’s still with me and started the set I’m trying to paint for myself.

                      Here’s the last one I painted. The picture sucks, as it doesn’t show the blending I did on the red…

                      I first experienced with blending with my first wolf:

                      And I think I got a nice natural look there:

                      But I discovered I LOVE doing neat lines or “off” designs 😀

                      So yeah, I’d say I’ve improved. I look at pics of piece I’ve sold/traded and think, wow, now I would do this and this, and change this…

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                        I don’t remember that kirin! I really like him.


                        pipsxlch wrote:

                        This is the griffin. It also was sold to a forum member.

                        Yep…He’s awesome too! I still have him!
                        I’ll try to wrangle up some photos… 😳

                        My very first PYO…Sylvester, painted after my Baby Boy.

                        One of my more colorful, and recent Griffins…Tropic. Also my first attempt at using glow in the dark paints.

                        My first wolf. Horizon.

                        Patriot, my last wolf.

                        First Ki-Rin.

                        Last Ki-Rin.

                        First Dragon

                        Recent Dragon…Papillio


                        What a great idea for a topic! I’m in awe of you guys; I wish I could paint. 🙂


                          This really is a great topic….I wish I hadnt lost so many of my early pyo pics when my last computer went kaput, or I would post some too.


                            Greater Basilisk wrote:

                            I don’t remember that kirin! I really like him.

                            Which one? The skirin was for the last swap, the paw kirin, a trade with Kujacker and the café kirin, for the swap before that.

                            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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