How stupid could I be? (Golly, just can't trust anyone!)

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      Nambroth wrote:

      Rusti wrote:

      Tintaglia wrote:

      We have 3 refrigerators at work. Not only do bag lunches come up missing sometimes, but we’ve had incidents of employees finding their tupperware (or similar container) still in the refrigerator, but the leftovers they brought from home in it, are gone.

      Jiminy Christmas…

      Why would you steal someone else’s *food*?

      When I worked retail, people stole my food ALL the time, until finally I resorted to taking a non-perishable item, such as a bagel, and hiding it in my coat so I’d have something to eat. 🙁

      Oh, man…tell me about it. Once I bought one of those 7 inch cheesecakes with peach swirling and ate part of it right of the plate, then poked holes through all the rest cause I had to leave it in the fridge or it would ruin. Somebody STILL ate it!!!!! 👿


        keschete wrote:

        Rusti wrote:

        I haven’t had that problem at Penney’s…


        I personally would be scarred to eat someone else’s food…God only knows how old the left overs are or how they cooked it…YUCK!!! One of the guys I works with keeps left overs up to 3 (YES, THREE) weeks and still eats them……GROSS!

        So if you have a problem with food stealing perhaps you all could put something disgusting in your tupperware and bring it to work 🙂

        I was unable to cook at that point in life very often, so I took things like frozen dinners, etc, all the time. Those got stolen very often. 🙁

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          Every time I manage to regain a little bit of faith in humanity, I hear stories like this and it all goes to pot again.

          People irritate me. Bunch of thieves.


          😯 What Rusti said.


          RD, Im so sorry this happened to you. Ppl can really suck sometimes.

          Ive been a victim of food stealing which I agree, is gross as you never know, right? The biggest problem in my old office was ppl always using others refrigerated flavored coffee creamers. Even though ppl put their names on the bottles saying, “please ask first!”, some repeat offenders rarely did. And, no one really ever said NO, when someone asked if they could snag a pour for their first cup in the morning. Over time, it became such a blown out deal in our advertising department.


            I cant believe someone stole a credit card to swipe $10 🙄 To sacrifice your integrity for $10? I just dont get it.

            One of my soldiers brought his lunch to the range with him and left it in the warm up tent while he was shooting. When he came back, it was gone!! This is a homemade lunch in tupperware! Unbelieveable!


            Well, I know food goes missing quite alot at work, but, normally junk food. I haven’t heard of people eating other peoples lunches before. Eww.

            So, now that my card has been cancelled. Do you think I should leave it in my coat again? And see if they use it? It’ll come up stollen. (I’m evil, I know.)

            The thing is. I work in the cash office. Guess what comes back to me today? The paperwork from yesterday. Hum, all I have to look for is a credit card slip with that amount and my card #. They chose the wrong person to mess with for sure. 😈

            I’m sure I still have to talk to the loss prevention manager, and if it comes to it the police. I just wonder how many people they’ve done this to?


            Romeodanny wrote:

            Well, I know food goes missing quite alot at work, but, normally junk food. I haven’t heard of people eating other peoples lunches before. Eww.

            So, now that my card has been cancelled. Do you think I should leave it in my coat again? And see if they use it? It’ll come up stollen. (I’m evil, I know.)

            The thing is. I work in the cash office. Guess what comes back to me today? The paperwork from yesterday. Hum, all I have to look for is a credit card slip with that amount and my card #. They chose the wrong person to mess with for sure. 😈

            I’m sure I still have to talk to the loss prevention manager, and if it comes to it the police. I just wonder how many people they’ve done this to?

            Nope, not evil… clever. You and I are om the same wave length. If it’s cancelled, hell yea, set the trap and see if the idiot walks into it! Cant hurt if nothing happens but if it does, you just nailed a criminal and loser!


              Romeodanny wrote:

              So, now that my card has been cancelled. Do you think I should leave it in my coat again? And see if they use it? It’ll come up stollen. (I’m evil, I know.)

              The thing is. I work in the cash office. Guess what comes back to me today? The paperwork from yesterday. Hum, all I have to look for is a credit card slip with that amount and my card #. They chose the wrong person to mess with for sure. 😈

              I’m sure I still have to talk to the loss prevention manager, and if it comes to it the police. I just wonder how many people they’ve done this to?

              If you can’t see from your pile who it is, then yup, definitely leave the cancelled card in to get him/her caught! And yes, they did choose the wrong person so mess with… shows how stupid they were in the first place!

              As for the police, I think the person should be charged. If he/she is an employee, I wouldn’t want them to work there either.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                I’m sorry that happened to you Romeo. I hope you catch them! I have to agree with everyone about how common it is, though. Seems people will steal anything that isn’t nailed down…and some stuff that is! 😡


                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  Romeodanny wrote:

                  Well, I know food goes missing quite alot at work, but, normally junk food. I haven’t heard of people eating other peoples lunches before. Eww.

                  So, now that my card has been cancelled. Do you think I should leave it in my coat again? And see if they use it? It’ll come up stollen. (I’m evil, I know.)

                  The thing is. I work in the cash office. Guess what comes back to me today? The paperwork from yesterday. Hum, all I have to look for is a credit card slip with that amount and my card #. They chose the wrong person to mess with for sure. 😈

                  I’m sure I still have to talk to the loss prevention manager, and if it comes to it the police. I just wonder how many people they’ve done this to?

                  Nope, not evil… clever. You and I are om the same wave length. If it’s cancelled, hell yea, set the trap and see if the idiot walks into it! Cant hurt if nothing happens but if it does, you just nailed a criminal and loser!

                  Exactly!!! 😈


                  I’m sorry that this happened to you, Romeo 🙁 That does seem like a huge risk for someone to take just for a measley $10. All this talk of what people steal reminds me of a great story, though!

                  Years and years ago my dad got off work late one night to find a teenager in the dark parking lot hanging half out the broken window of my dad’s car, snipping the stereo wires. Dad calmly walked up behind the kid, pushed him fully into the car, and drove him over to the jail.

                  I guess by the time they got within sight of the building and could see all the police cars in the parking lot the kid was crying and gibbering hysterically, so Dad let him go. Opened the door and let him out right in front of the jail, and he scampered off with the fear of God in him. Of course, had Dad intended to turn him in he would have driven him to the police station, not the jail… 😆

                  Sooner or later, these people who take other’s things and do other bad deeds will get what they have coming, I firmly believe that 😉


                    😆 That’s a good story, Megani. Hopefully that kid learned his lesson.


                      That is so weird. I’m sorry this happened to you RD. I know what a pain it is to have to get all those cards replaced. I lost my wallet several years back and it took me over 6 months to finally get all my id replaced. Now I have photocopies of everything in my safe box at home.

                      Speaking of weird thefts, my hunny’s office is starting to have to lock up supplies at night. He works in advertising so they always have strange things on their desks. Someone stole a container of silly putty out of my hunny’s desk drawer. Like they didn’t think that would be missed…and it was the sparkly one too!! Sometimes I hate people… 👿


                      I remember when my purse was stolen. It was one of those teeny tiny purses that look like a wallet with a long strap that most wore over there head/shoulder straped across their chest. Some still do but the purse was all the rage back then. Not that the purse was valuable though.

                      I was in my friends club. It wasnt a crazy busy club you couldnt walk around in. Patrons had lots of room to move because most of the time they were seated… watching the male talent on stage IYKWIM. I use to do promotions for them, do their photography for the club as well as private photography as many of them were models and personal trainers too. And, I worked on routines with them.

                      Anyway, I was a fixture in the club and these guys (including owners, bartenders and waiters, not to mention the dancers) were like big brothers to me and were very protective treating me like little sis.

                      I would often sit with my friend near the entrance as she was the cashier that you had to pay upon entering. Next to her was the cigarette machine. I use to wrap the strap of my purse round and round itself, set my drink in one of the loop holes and hook the last loop hole twice around a nail that was on the wall that was hardly noticeable. I had done this for years and hardly ever left my “station.” When I did, my friend was always in her cashiers seat (and no, she definitely wasnt the one who took it). I got up and walked to the bar about 3 feet away. I sat back down in my chair next to the machine and by the end of the night when I was getting ready to leave, my purse was gone.

                      Weird thing is my keys always clipped to the purse so whomever took it not only unhooked it from the name and kept my drink standing, but unhooked my keys without anyone noticing or paying attention. Truth be told, I wasnt that angry about the main contents being stolen because I never walk with much actual cash. I cancelled my cards immediately but was mostly ticked Id have to replace my license (with new darn photo) and that costs money. However, what ticked me most was that I had medication in there. I had had one side of my wisdom teeth taken out and they had to shatter the top one because it was so impacted and was growing out of the gum horizontally– crown and root coming out at same time, instead of up and down.

                      So, I had the last of my pain meds with me which couldnt be replaced. No one knew I had those meds in my purse so Im sure they didnt realize that was what they were going for. I think they thought they would score big in the money department because I was known to be very generous with my friends that were performing on stage, now and then. I think they were hoping that I was on a generous night and had hundreds in my wallet. Their loss! But, if they found the pain killers (and were stupid enough to ingest strange pills that had no ID on them– which they likely were that foolish), they got their buzz on.

                      Anyway, that club was like a second home to me (and no, I dont get my jollies going to watch men dance. Im so immune to it. I just had friends that I met through photography and doing advertising and came upon this club years ago; I dont live there anymore and it’s no longer a part of my life though I still know my friends and most of them have moved on to what they were saving money for). So, I felt very violated. I know it sounds as though it was probably an inside job but if you knew the ppl and the layout of the club, youd understand what I mean.

                      Anyway, there is my windbag story for ya! My bigger loss was when someone broke into my first apartment and stole my puppy (I had for just 2 weeks) out of her crate. Thats all they took and was the worst thing you could take from me… my animals.

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