How Smart I Am

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      On a lighter, more ridulous note, there are times I wonder how I got so darned smart. The older I get, the smarter I get! Why in one day I counted numerous events of my smartness.

      I went to open the door and crashed my hand into the doorknob. That was so smart!

      I let my little dogs out and was checking to make sure the female did a puddle when I noticed I was slipping a little. Wouldn’t you know it–yep, you guessed it. Stepped right in it and it was fresh! And it gets better–I was wearing tennis shoes–you know the kind with all those grooves underneath. Yep, and that stuff loves to hide in those grooves. I had to go out to the faucet with an old toothbrush [so surpried I didn’t use the one I’m currently brushing my teeth with] and scrub all those grooves.

      Then I put the shoes in the laundry area, put some stuff in the dryer and when I went to leave, I almost tripped and fell because I stepped on the shoe lace and then brought my other foot up against the shoe lace. Yep–smart–reeeeeeal smart!

      Let’s also not forget how I can open cabinet doors, bend down to get something and then stand up and smack my head on the corner of the door! Now that smarted!

      Just wondering–anyone else ‘smart’ out there?


        On a lighter, more ridulous note, there are times I wonder how I got so darned smart. The older I get, the smarter I get! Why in one day I counted numerous events of my smartness.

        I went to open the door and crashed my hand into the doorknob. That was so smart!

        I let my little dogs out and was checking to make sure the female did a puddle when I noticed I was slipping a little. Wouldn’t you know it–yep, you guessed it. Stepped right in it and it was fresh! And it gets better–I was wearing tennis shoes–you know the kind with all those grooves underneath. Yep, and that stuff loves to hide in those grooves. I had to go out to the faucet with an old toothbrush [so surpried I didn’t use the one I’m currently brushing my teeth with] and scrub all those grooves.

        Then I put the shoes in the laundry area, put some stuff in the dryer and when I went to leave, I almost tripped and fell because I stepped on the shoe lace and then brought my other foot up against the shoe lace. Yep–smart–reeeeeeal smart!

        Let’s also not forget how I can open cabinet doors, bend down to get something and then stand up and smack my head on the corner of the door! Now that smarted!

        Just wondering–anyone else ‘smart’ out there?

        I usually use an old toothbrush when stuff get stuck the bottom of shoes .
        Ah what you said has been my life today . Just wonder why it happens . To give the higher power a good laugh ? LOL


          Congratulations – I can tell you have been working on this for many years to reach this level! Me too. The cabinet door trick is a good one. However, the best is when I set something down and think “I could trip over those shoes”, or “I might knock that off the table” and 1/2 hour later, I do! Now, that takes brains (of some kind). 🙂


            I just hit “Print” on the pc, yet moments later.. the printer (once processed what I asked) scared the crap out of me when I heard a noise I didn’t recognize behind me.. Yep. It was printer ‘adjusting’ to get ready to print o.0

            My mind is a bit scattered with dreading the drive in this wind! – I procrastinate no more! Here I go! (Wish me luck? lol!) I needa get out of here before it turns to wind AND snow


              It’s been “one of those days” – the stars must be out of allignment!


              It’s been “one of those days” – the stars must be out of allignment!

              And the moon and Jupiter, Venus, Pluto etc. It really is a screw up day!!


                However, the best is when I set something down and think “I could trip over those shoes”, or “I might knock that off the table” and 1/2 hour later, I do! Now, that takes brains (of some kind). 🙂

                I did exactly that about a month ago… majorly 🙁
                I was cutting cloth(on a mat) while sitting on the carpet. My rotary blade was dull so I changed it and was planning on sharpening it sometime in the future but didn’t want to mix it in with the sharp blades. So I set it on the floor thinking that it won’t be a problem. It’s lying flat on the floor near the edge of the table so it’s unlikely I’ll step on it but if I do I won’t cut my self because it’s dull and flat on the floor. Well I was right I didn’t step on it… I kicked it looking for something on the table causing the edge to lift up and cut the underside of my foot. 6 six stitches and 2 weeks of lost work(due to hobbling) later…


                  I dont wear shoes with treads.


                    FlamingDragon-ohh no! That sounded like it was really painful 🙁 Im sorry!

                    I’m still fairly young in the scheme of life, but my thing is, I’ll think “Okay, I’m not going to do ________THIS because something bad will happen……naahhhh, what are the odds?” and it happens.

                    For instance, I’ll be drinking wine or cranberry juice-something nice, dark, and great for staining lighter colored fabrics. I will be sitting on the floor, sit the drink down and think, “It will be okay here for a while” and of course it isn’t. I do it more often with water, but lucky for me thats easy to clean up.


                    Hi I have been a Nurse in an Emergency Department for 26 years. I have seen all kinds of injuries and the first thing a patient usually says is “I did something really stupid”. I always tell my patient that I have never seen a “smart” accident and welcome to the human race. Trust me it has nothing do with age, it usually just one of those days.


                      Let’s also not forget how I can open cabinet doors, bend down to get something and then stand up and smack my head on the corner of the door! Now that smarted!

                      OMG! I do this ALL THE TIME!!! *face palm*

                      I also always put my thumb on the top of the refrigerator handle while perusing the fridge contents, and when I go to close it, I get it stubbed in between the lower and upper freezer handle… then jump up and down while screaming “MUTHA F****R!!!! … yea… I don’t know why I do it or how I forget. I always get the milisecond of “OH NO!!! NOOOO!!! DON’T DOOOOOOO IT!!!” and then… it’s just TOO LATE!!! …. Like when my car door is closing and I see my keys on the seat JUST as the dor shuts >__<

                      Yup…. that's me being smart….

                      I've also had to deal with that awful "pet mess" in the show treds before… more so I have done it with slippers. "Yea, just letting the dog out, I can wear slippers right? Oh look, I'll just grab the mail….*splootch* …….Oh no…. please tell me I did not just step in.. OH MY GOWD!!


                        I do stupid stuff too, but my best example of this is my husband.

                        I was upstairs folding laundry when he comes bounding in yelling “I cut myself!”

                        As per our usual joke, I said, “oh, what, do you need to go to the emergency room?”

                        To my surprise, he said yes. He had completely cut through the webbing between two of his fingers, severing some nerves, and requiring 12 stitches.

                        How did he do this you might ask?

                        Well, he got it into his head that since the ice cream in the container was REALLY HARD, a butter knife would work better to pry it out than a spoon.

                        When the ice cream resisted, he pushed HARDER (that was some really frozen stuff, right?)

                        Turns out, he was pushing the knife against the bottom of the carton, NOT the ice cream. Punched through the bottom, full strength, and straight through his own hand…

                        *face palm*

                        The ER staff was so amused they kept bringing new people in just to hear the story…


                          I laughed out loud at this one!


                            He was not amused at the time because I kept singing “What would you do-ooo-oo for a Klondike bar?”


                              BAHAHAHAHA!!! Kiya, that is hilarious. I’ve cut myself with a butter knife before, too. Yes, they can cut you. And it hurts like hell. Fortunately, I didn’t do butter knife fail quite like your hubby, though. Ouch!

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