How many of you have an idea in mind when you buy a PYO?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone How many of you have an idea in mind when you buy a PYO?

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    I’ve been pondering this question for a while, mostly because I am one of those “sometimes have ideas in mind” folks. I absolutely hate having to pick my eye/jewel colors when I order. I would *much* prefer to paint the sculpt first, THEN select the eyes/jewels. 😳 And I’ve been known to have an idea when I order, and then forget it before the package arrives……… 🙄


      Most of the time, I have something very specific in mind when I get a PYO. If I’m buying more than one at once, I still know pretty much exactly what I’ll do with them. Sometimes, people put up a blank PYO for sale and seeing the color of the eyes gives me an idea. I did buy a repainted mother dragon once. It was unfinished, so I thought I’d give it a shot without having a definite plan. I tried a few things, but none of them turned out. It’s the only piece I didn’t have a plan for, and now the poor thing hides away in shame.

      So if I don’t know, I don’t buy 😀

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        I normaly have more then one idea, but forget when i order, remember later, and have to decide what idea i want to try when the pyo comes in.


        I generally have half a dozen ideas, settle on one after ordering, and then change it when I actually start painting.


          KoishiiKitty wrote:

          I normaly have more then one idea, but forget when i order, remember later, and have to decide what idea i want to try when the pyo comes in.


          That’s why I write them down. I kid you not, I have a dedicated piece of paper tucked under my daytimer titled “PYOs à faire”. Once the idea had been done, I scratch it out. Yeah, my friends make fun of me…

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            dragonmedley wrote:

            KoishiiKitty wrote:

            I normaly have more then one idea, but forget when i order, remember later, and have to decide what idea i want to try when the pyo comes in.


            That’s why I write them down. I kid you not, I have a dedicated piece of paper tucked under my daytimer titled “PYOs à faire”. Once the idea had been done, I scratch it out. Yeah, my friends make fun of me…
            I did the same thing for a long time. I had a post-it note (or two) tucked near the computer that I wrote ideas on so I could order the PYO when it was available. I’ve lost that note now, but I had done most of the ideas on it anyways. I’ve still got a few dragon ideas that I want to do, but I can’t figure out what eye/jewel colors would work with them. I’m hoping by the the time I get that figured out the little dragons will be available again.


            I think if Windstone made the eyes/jewels available separately from the pyo’s as a stand alone item that might be a good idea. I don’t remember if there was ever a thread on that, though. :scratch: You could still choose you eye and jewel color with the statue for those who know what they want for certain, but then if you change your mind and want a different color, you could get them without having to search for another member who might be willing to swap.

            Do you guys think that would be a good subject for another poll? I don’t want to just like, take over here…… 😳


            When I did my small strawberry dragon and snowy owl wolf, I knew exactly what I wanted them to look like when I ordered them and they came out looking that way. With the muse, kirin, and unicorn, I hadn’t the foggiest until I started sorting through my paints and thinking about what would look good on my shelf — all I knew when I ordered was I wanted to paint them *something*. It all just depends, I suppose.

            Like, I have a keeper in the mail on her way to me (at long last!) and I know exactly what her fate will be. I hope she likes pink…


              I usually have the basic idea on how I want to paint a sculpt when I buy it. What happens most of the time is that initial concept evolves into something quite different from what I originally envisioned.


              purpleturtle wrote:

              I usually have the basic idea on how I want to paint a sculpt when I buy it. What happens most of the time is that initial concept evolves into something quite different from what I originally envisioned.

              Me too! Or I’ll get the basic colors blocked out, look at it, go “Yuck!”, and start embellishing it until it hardly resembles the original game plan. Most of the time when doing that, I stumble across some layering or combination of colors that I absolutely love, and end up trying to rework the entire paint job to showcase that happenstance discovery.

              I’m working on a dragon right now that was going to be shades of brown with purple highlights. Very plain, just browns with purple. So why do I now have a dragon that is six different shades of copper, tarnished gold, and chocolate brown? Those purple eyes are going to look darned silly in there. 🙄


              LOL, Barrdwing! I bet it’ll look great.

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