
How many of you….

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      Maybe one or two or twelve…. LOL just a few if I can! 😀


        🙁 we pay and pay….

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          Anything I get will go to paying off the card and saving up for college. I spent way too much on Christmas shopping and Windstones as it is.


            I may pick up something….im tring to hold out for the Pyo’s…. But like everyone, there are way to many expenses and way to many bills. 🙁


              Mine refund is going into putting up a fence in the back yard of this house I bought last year. Tired of people using it as a short cut and dogs using it as a toilet. Plus, I might end up with my dog, so need somewhere to let her out where I don’t have to chase her down.


                Get back to me on that. 😀


                  Don’t know just yet if we’ll be getting a return or not. We’ll likely be working on our taxes later this weekend. Even then depending on how much it is, it will likely go towards paying off debts.


                    “Not I, said the fly. Not me, said the flea…”

                    twindragonsmum 😀



                    I’m going for another Bookcase…I REALLY need it, and I can fit…just…one…more! 😆 Plus, they are less than a Lap Dragon. 😉
                    I can’t get more until I have another bookcase! I still have some waiting for spots around here! 😮 Mostly those are sconces though. 😳 But, now that I got the living room moved around, I opened up 3 more wall areas to hang things! Framing here I come! XD
                    So, not me…I am aiming to uncluster my collection and hang some more of my prints.


                      It depends. I don’t know if I’m getting anything for a refund this year :scratch: . I have a few items in mind, though.


                        I have a little list, in case I’m pleasantly surprised this year 🙂 I still need a copper patina curlie, and I’d really like a larger piece in amethyst, maybe the male. I would reeeally like an em-pea riser, but that might be just a little steep, haha.


                        Awww! It seems a LOT of you are like me….the money has to go to pay off debts! I think the economy has caused many of us to be forced to get into more debt…it was that way with me. See my job used to offer me 7-5 hours….so I got LOTS of overtime pay. Now I literally make hundreds less then I used too since last year when they had to cut that because of the economy. (I work for life insurance, which is heavily influenced by the stock market.) I would not have sold ANY of my Windstones if I still had those hours. It’s why I lost my apartment ( *cries* ) and have to live with my brother until my situation improves.
                        Still my company is really kind to me…they are still giving me a Christmas bonus and they are giving raises to those who earned them. (I was told I’m on that list, I work my ass off and my boss knows it!) Regardless, I had to suffer losses to and I can understand how you are all feeling.
                        If the tax refund is nice, I WILL buy a Windstone though, but like I said, a small curled or MAYBE a male, it all depends.

                        *hugs* Didn’t mean to bum so many people out…I honestly was trying to brighten people’s moods! But I believe it was ladyfirebird who said that she has so many already, that she can just sit back and wait if she has to. (To get more.) I agree with her totally. I only have six Windstones now but I ADORE them. People who come over look at them sometimes and go “WOW, what is that???” and I love telling them about the talented Melody Pena and show them the website. I think I spawned more then one new collector! 😆


                          I owe WAY too much to even think of the word REFUND
                          I still owe the State of CA $712 or so and the IRS about $16,000 since I did not pay taxes on the money I got from my mom and claimed Exempt the following year too much thinking the condo was going to get me a refund so I still owe the IRS about $7500-$8000 for each year
                          I think I’ll be OK for the state this year but I’m a bit worried about the IRS again
                          I made about $5000 less in 2009 then 2008 and paid about that much more so I hope it evens out or they owe me a little that will just come off the debt I have now


                            Doesn’t being a slave to money stink? Fortunately, hubby and I got a significant amount back, but we have so many things wrong with this house, that we need to fix it up, and pay off debt. At first, I thought that we wouldn’t have had enough to fix the house, even, but fortunately, it turned out we did, which is good, because this house is driving me insane!!


                              We will need our refund to get us through the summer when both of us are unemployed. We still need to make house payments and a van payment every month, even though there is no income. Go figure. 🙂

                              At least we won’t have to pay for the girl this year. She’ll be 18 in April.

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