how many furries do we have here? :)

Home Forums Miscellany Community how many furries do we have here? :)

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  • #714615

      That Sure is an awsome face..I Love how realstic the eyes are…I WISH I had a tiger one like that… πŸ˜‰



      lol if your interested in my costume maker i can give you her info so you can get a price quote


        How do you ‘pick’ your furry persona? I have animal totems, is it kinda like that?


        i dunno really i got my two by accident really..i have always liked i created mine when i was really little ( aspen) an dhave had him since..denarin my nightmare stallion just came to me one night


          That’s cool. I guess my furry character would be feline in nature. I’m not sure what kind of cat, perhaps a panter or a tiger…. not sure :?.


          I’ve always liked looking at ‘fursonas’ on dA, but I never really thought about what mine would look like until a few weeks ago. I pretty much figured out what I would want but since I am not the best artist I haven’t tried to draw her yet. She would be a big cat (female lion?) but with the markings of a panda bear. Blue eyes, and trying to figure out where to put a pawprint-lol


          i could do a sketch of your fursona if you like Eleu..just PM me a full description


          That sounds like a neat fursona, Eleu. I’d like to see a drawing of it. πŸ˜€


            SPark wrote:

            purplecat wrote:

            What does constitute “a furry”??? I like anthromorphic art…not very good at it..but I like it. Educate me please! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

            Furry technically is any fan of anthropomorphic art, but generally people use the term to refer to people who are actually socially involved in the anthro fandom, and more specifically it tends to refer to those people who personally identify with an animal and have a “fursona” that’s an animal version of themselves.

            For some it’s very serious, and they feel that in some way they really are that animal, or that animal is kind of their totem. For others it’s just for fun. πŸ™‚

            Ah, thank you very much! I was wondering if I qualified as a “furry”. cool. πŸ˜€

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