how many furries do we have here? :)

Home Forums Miscellany Community how many furries do we have here? :)

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      Are you going to AC Dracomancer?

      I’m not a furry by a long shot, but I am going because some of my friends are going and many furries collect fantasy art which is what I do. πŸ™‚

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      lol i WISH i was going to AC..too far though beings im in ca and AC is in PA..i just dont have the funds for it…i am hoping to go to FC in san jose though in jan.

      Jennifer wrote:

      Are you going to AC Dracomancer?

      I’m not a furry by a long shot, but I am going because some of my friends are going and many furries collect fantasy art which is what I do. πŸ™‚


        Not a furrie and didn’t even know about them ’til Dracomancer kindly educated me… The/your head (how do you phrase that?) looks awesome!



        I’m a furry, but not into fursuiting.

        I love how your head is coming along though, fantastic.

        I am hoping to make it to FC this coming year too, but we’ll see…it all depends on how much $ we can save between now and then, along with cost of travel. We haven’t been able to afford AC since 2002.

        Big worry about FC this year is lack of hotel rooms, they are sold out already, hope you have somewhere to flop. We’re probably going to end up at our friend Kerry’s place, since it is only about 5 miles away from the convention hotel, but it all depends on if we even make it at all.

        If we do though, I definately want to meet up.



          I’m not a furry, but I do have animal that represents me in some cases; as well as a human counterpart.
          I admit though, I think it would be awesome to have a realistic half-suit of him. Like his head and hooves (hands/feet… I found an awesome tutorial on how to make cloven hooves, but I can’t do anything with my hands… If I had those, I’d just walk around town with them sometimes to be silly XD). I don’t go to furcons, so I don’t know what I’d do with it, but it would still be neat to have XD
          I haven’t drawn him in forever, but here’s a old crappy one from me, and one by Nam (which I absolutely adore, even still).


            Ok, I’m such a dork! I thought this thread was about our pets!! πŸ˜† 😳


              I’m going to FC and have room. Need a roommate or two, in fact. πŸ™‚ Though anybody who rooms with me would have to be willing to do at least one stint as a fursuit handler so I can go out in my quad suit. I can’t get it on or off without help.


                What does constitute “a furry”??? I like anthromorphic art…not very good at it..but I like it. Educate me please! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                  asinnamon wrote:

                  Ok, I’m such a dork! I thought this thread was about our pets!! πŸ˜† 😳

                  πŸ˜† So did I!


                    laphon1 wrote:

                    asinnamon wrote:

                    Ok, I’m such a dork! I thought this thread was about our pets!! πŸ˜† 😳

                    πŸ˜† So did I!

                    that was my first thought as well… 😳 😳


                      purplecat wrote:

                      What does constitute “a furry”??? I like anthromorphic art…not very good at it..but I like it. Educate me please! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                      Furry technically is any fan of anthropomorphic art, but generally people use the term to refer to people who are actually socially involved in the anthro fandom, and more specifically it tends to refer to those people who personally identify with an animal and have a “fursona” that’s an animal version of themselves.

                      For some it’s very serious, and they feel that in some way they really are that animal, or that animal is kind of their totem. For others it’s just for fun. πŸ™‚


                      SPark wrote:

                      purplecat wrote:

                      What does constitute “a furry”??? I like anthromorphic art…not very good at it..but I like it. Educate me please! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                      Furry technically is any fan of anthropomorphic art, but generally people use the term to refer to people who are actually socially involved in the anthro fandom, and more specifically it tends to refer to those people who personally identify with an animal and have a “fursona” that’s an animal version of themselves.

                      For some it’s very serious, and they feel that in some way they really are that animal, or that animal is kind of their totem. For others it’s just for fun. πŸ™‚

                      good explaining there πŸ™‚


                        I never heard of this are there a lot of people involved like a group or something?



                          I don’t know what you mean by “a group.” Are Windstone collectors “a group”? Furries are about as unified and similar as people who own Windstones are.

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