How do you eat M&M's?!?!?

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    Jennifer wrote:

    They make mint M&Ms? I gotta try and find some.

    I’m not much of a chocolate person (don’t hit me!) and I dislike most nuts so I don’t like most M&Ms, but I do love mint! Hmm…

    I also really like the peanutbutter M&Ms from time to time. Cause they’re squishy.

    Don’t worry, even as a kid I didn’t like chocolate all that much. Unless it’s in liquid (hot chocolate, etc) form. Then I’m okay with it.

    I gave all my chocolate to my brother. He was fine with that! 😆


      All flavors and by the bag full


        I love peanut M & M’s but won’t turn down other flavors. I don’t care what color they are and I eat them randomly and often keep them in my desk drawer, HOWEVER, they taste best if warmed in the car… Sun warmed M & M’s usually get me through my holiday shopping each year! and you can bet they’ll be present on the drive from California to Oregon!


        Susie wrote:

        I love peanut M & M’s but won’t turn down other flavors. I don’t care what color they are and I eat them randomly and often keep them in my desk drawer, HOWEVER, they taste best if warmed in the car… Sun warmed M & M’s usually get me through my holiday shopping each year! and you can bet they’ll be present on the drive from California to Oregon!

        Mmm…you should bring along M&M cookies! 😀


          I like those Keebler chocolate chip cookies, with the M&Ms. Those are very yummy!


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          I just eat ’em. I like the peanut butter ones, the plain ones, and ones with almonds the best. I usually w=eat fingerfulls at a time. If I’m not careful…..the bag will be gone in a matter of an hour…. :shock

          Ditto, I love all the kinds of M&M’s and I just eat them.


            Jennifer wrote:

            They make mint M&Ms? I gotta try and find some.

            I’m not much of a chocolate person (don’t hit me!) and I dislike most nuts so I don’t like most M&Ms, but I do love mint! Hmm…

            I also really like the peanutbutter M&Ms from time to time. Cause they’re squishy.

            You can usually find the mint ones around the Christmas holidays! 😀 I like them a lot, but don’t get them often.


              Susie wrote:

              I love peanut M & M’s but won’t turn down other flavors. I don’t care what color they are and I eat them randomly and often keep them in my desk drawer, HOWEVER, they taste best if warmed in the car… Sun warmed M & M’s usually get me through my holiday shopping each year! and you can bet they’ll be present on the drive from California to Oregon!

              Forgot about that! I love them when they’re warm–they get all shiny, then POP when you put them into your mouth!

              I also love M&M’s in double vanilla ice cream… 8)


                Mint M&Ms? Haven’t heard of those till now! 😯 *scampers out from under rock*

                With regular M&Ms I just eat them out of the bag, (room temperature preferred) but save the green ones (my favorites) for last.

                I eat the blue ones first. Circumstantial evidence indicates that they came on the scene about the same time as the tan ones vanished off the face of the earth, so I don’t really trust ’em. 😕



                  Tan M&Ms! *sniffles a bit* I miss my tan M&Ms and lemon Jelly Ranchers. Though I’ve forgiven blue M&Ms for their pretty indigo shell, I’ll never forgive blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers. They are the bane of the candy jar. I refuse to acknowledge them until they bring back lemon.

                  Now then, back from crazy-candy-lady land and back on topic, I’ll munch my M&Ms straight from the bag, mix them into cookie dough or ice cream (rocky road is awesome with M&Ms), or leave them in the freezer overnight. Also, the only flavor I haven’t liked were crispy.

                  My fiance, however, has OCD and will sort his into rows by color, eat by a pattern, and heaven forbid anyone interrupts this process. He also refuses to eat non-traditional M&Ms, especially the black and white ones.

                  Granted, I always thought the black and white ones tasted slightly off. Must have been the dyes.

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