How do I wash offf paint from a PYO

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone How do I wash offf paint from a PYO

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        Hey Everyone
        Just a quick question, I want to wash off some paint off a PYO and repaint it but I don’t want to damage it, so if anyone has ever done so in the past can you please let me know how I can proceed to do so. I’m just afarid that the mold will get damaged in the process.




          I ran it under a faucet and scrubbed a little It didnt work to well. If you didnt lay on too much paint, you can always paint over it. Getting the paint off is difficult.


            Thanks Skigod…., I guess there is no paint remover or anything like that, I guess I’ll try to remove it with water and a small scrub brush and see if that works.



            I use rubbing alcohol and Q-tips.

            Dip the q-tip and dab where you want to remove paint, you have to give it a few moments, then you can rub it off with your finger or an old toothbrush.

            That’s how I work. 🙂


              Thanks Algy, if the water thing doesn’t work, I’ll try that.



                Pure actetone will take the Paint off just about anything. you get it in the automotive section of hardware stores. But I don’t know if it will damage the gypsum. Maybe try nail polish remover with acetone, if there is such a thing anymore, it might be gentler, or try the actone in a small spot first.


                  foxfeather wrote:

                  Pure actetone will take the Paint off just about anything. you get it in the automotive section of hardware stores. But I don’t know if it will damage the gypsum. Maybe try nail polish remover with acetone, if there is such a thing anymore, it might be gentler, or try the actone in a small spot first.

                  I thought I had seen a post by Melody that said actetone would remove the paint and not harm the gypsum. Unfortunately I don’t remember where that post is now. 🙁


                    I’ve used acetone. Works just fine!


                      You can still get nailpolish remover with acetone- here in Florida at least. I think it’s illegal in some areas. Or, as suggested, you can get stronger acetone in automotive or hardware stores.
                      I’ve seen it on little pads (like alcohol prep pads). I have some, but they were given to me and I have no idea where they came from. They might be an easier way yo remove a light coat of paint.

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