How badly do you want a SK?

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    This topic doesn’t really have an answer for me…I would answer if we were able to get them direct, but until then, I won’t be bidding. So all you lucky SK buyer’s have at it. I can’t help it that I feel that I won’t be able to afford the 1000-2000 price tags one them. 😥 Because the BEP style was most wonderfully beautiful!! And I hope to own one one day, but it won’t be for a while. 😥 (I can’t pass up the OW for a SK as beautiful as she is right now, because I would love to have just one OW Prototype.) 😳


      I’m probably going to have to wait until they are regular production to be able to afford one. And if that doesn’t ever happy… then I’m not going to get one. Don’t get me wrong. I want one. The Autumn Leaf will tear my heart out. Unless my husband sells his patent for a million dollars… maybe then. 🙂


        Geeez…when you put the price up there like that and I can see all the zeros, it makes me think twice. Thats more than my house payment 😯 I would still get one, though. I can swing $6-800 for one I really want. Autumn leaf would be one. I would not spend that much on a white one, though. It would have to have some color if im gonna blow a grand on a dragon.


        skigod377 wrote:

        It would have to have some color if im gonna blow a grand on a dragon.

        Is the prototype black gold OW the only one that’s met the requirement so far? Or have there been others? 😛

        I have to admit, the most that I’ve spent on one piece so far is $515 for the gray tabby flapcat, and I REALLY liked him. But I think I’ve gotten more and more desensitized about prices since this forum started… 😆


          mimitrek wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          It would have to have some color if im gonna blow a grand on a dragon.

          Is the prototype black gold OW the only one that’s met the requirement so far? Or have there been others? 😛

          I have to admit, the most that I’ve spent on one piece so far is $515 for the gray tabby flapcat, and I REALLY liked him. But I think I’ve gotten more and more desensitized about prices since this forum started… 😆 I did pay that much for him, but that was when these first started coming out. Little did I know that the later ones would go for a few hundred 🙄 Oh well… I did get a low number. The Violet Flame OW would have been up pretty high, but for some reason, I got a cheaper one 😆 I think thats it for my reeeeally pricey peices. Those are the two that I get embarrased about when folks ask me what they cost. 😆 Oh, and the $500 flap cat… that one is pretty high, too. Honestly, they make me happy and you cant put a price on that. Its what I tell people after I tell them what I pay for some of them!!


          Yeah, I hear that Ski. I have alot of people who look at me like I am crazy to pay that much. Dave looked at me like that and said, “$550 for an Emperor in THAT color?!?!” 😯 Then I showed him what one now a days goes for…I said, “Now does it look so bad?” he said Nope. 😀
          He said if it was the brown he would have paid that much, but that is HIS favorite dragon color. While I repeatedly tell him MY favorite color is GREEN!!! 😆


          See when I voted I was thinking regular production colors, not special or OOAK colors.


            ruffian wrote:

            See when I voted I was thinking regular production colors, not special or OOAK colors.

            Me too. I could probably scrape together $700, but not much more. Which is why I don’t have a SK yet. 😛


            skigod377 wrote:

            mimitrek wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            It would have to have some color if im gonna blow a grand on a dragon.

            Is the prototype black gold OW the only one that’s met the requirement so far? Or have there been others? 😛

            I have to admit, the most that I’ve spent on one piece so far is $515 for the gray tabby flapcat, and I REALLY liked him. But I think I’ve gotten more and more desensitized about prices since this forum started… 😆
            I did pay that much for him, but that was when these first started coming out. Little did I know that the later ones would go for a few hundred 🙄 Oh well… I did get a low number. The Violet Flame OW would have been up pretty high, but for some reason, I got a cheaper one 😆 I think thats it for my reeeeally pricey peices. Those are the two that I get embarrased about when folks ask me what they cost. 😆 Oh, and the $500 flap cat… that one is pretty high, too. Honestly, they make me happy and you cant put a price on that. Its what I tell people after I tell them what I pay for some of them!!
            I feel the same way! You can’t put a price on happiness.

            By the way, the only other $500+ piece that I’ve gotten so far has been the orange tabby ($510), and I like him a lot too. Though I was debating for a while if I really needed two eyes shut flapcats… 😆


            Nambroth wrote:

            I can’t really vote because those numbers are all out of my budget, but it’s cool idea. 🙂

            I agree Nam, very cool idea, all are way out of my budget as well. I guess the SK will just be a dream for me 😕 .


              my most expensive piece is em ow the minty from bt
              at around 350 with ship i was quite happy to get him at that price but i wouldnt’ have spent any more i know i have my own reason’s financial and otherwise for not gettign to hooked on any limited run pieces i would love a large tabby collored flapcat or any color but i’m not going to pay 200 i paid like 90 for my siamese when he was still avail
              i would say except the voilet color i saw i have a hard cap of 400$ on any ow sk well i soemday will see one i’ll sell half my herd of horses for for no doubt but at this time i just cannot see it so 700-800 plus that darned california state tax and i’d drive to pick it up i could about do


              My most expensive piece to date is the BEP OW. But I could justify spending double on an SK because she’s twice as big.


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              My most expensive piece to date is the BEP OW. But I could justify spending double on an SK because she’s twice as big.

              You know, I was just thinking about this issue the other day, since some OW’s have sold for the same price as SK’s!

              So do people really consider the size in determining the price that they’re will to pay for LE/OOAK Windstones? Or is it mainly the color scheme that determines the price?


              I’d actually go by color scheme. The size is just another argument in favor of shelling out hard-earned moolah on a dust collector. 😀


                For me, it’s definitely color scheme over size.

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