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  • #604710

    Aw, I guess 2 weeks have gone by quickly for me. hehe

    Well who knows, there might be something just as good in Colorado.


    It’s okay, so far. I don’t want to denigrade my relatives, but they’re not half as interesting as new people. I still miss Texas. πŸ™


      where are you going next??


        GB, where are you in Colorado?


        I knew there was somebody from Colorado on here, I just couldn’t remember who! I’m in Lafayette now, but we’re heading for three days in Colorado Springs in a few hours! Care for a meeting? I’ll PM you.


          PM’d you. It would be really neat to meet another forum member!


          Which has subsequently happened. I got to meet up with Skylover for lunch today, and then we checked out two dealerships. The first one was the coolest Windstone store I’ve seen yet – and so full of treasure I walked out $400 poorer. But hey, now I have my peacock Riser and I’m only missing the golds and the brown Riser to complete my collection of Spectrals. πŸ˜€


          Yay, that sounds great. I told you, you would have a good time there. πŸ˜€


            Good Grief!!! You sould like you are having a blast! And meeting everyone, too. πŸ˜€


            I’m having a good time, yeah. I just need to make sure I spend absolutely nothing until I get to my next destination. πŸ˜†


              How long before you get to your next destination? I wouldn’t want your will power to be too severely tested!! πŸ˜†


              πŸ˜† I’m leaving here Thursday morning. I should manage.
              We went to tour the Coors brewery in Golden yesterday. (Yes, I still tasted everything, even though I was underage. πŸ˜› ) I didn’t buy anything there. I was tempted to get a couple things at the gift shop by Buffalo Bill’s grave, but valiantly resisted. πŸ˜†


                Okay…maybe you can make it to Thursday!!! πŸ˜†


                Good luck in resisting not to spend money.


                Thanks, dragoness. I’ll need it. πŸ˜†

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