How About a How Many Are There Game?

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    Count how many in the following pictures, total. The first one to guess posts a How Many? picture….




      59 including the card holders, lol, but I can’t participate, I only have one XD


        60 in total! 🙄 Boy that is lots.




          46 or if you include the 4 (champain glass looking holders than there are 50. 🙂



          I could guess but, with my collection going to many homes in different countries….. In other words I don’t think I have enough to even do a guess how many picture anymore. 🙄 But, 47? Oh wait, I missed a shelf… 61?


            keschete wrote:

            Count how many in the following pictures, total. The first one to guess posts a How Many? picture….

            😕 Uh…Are we talking just the Windstone or do the cups count too?
            If so then there is 60 Windstones and 4 cups.


            I counted 59. Just Windstones.


              I got 59 too…

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              60 in total! 🙄 Boy that is lots.

              You are right 60 Windstones, Dragonessjade is right also….Mmloda we are counting Windstones…hehehe..not champagne flutes…hehehehe

              For those who guessed 59, do you see the crouching griffin chick behind the gothic unicorn and in front of the pearl female griffin? The picture is a bit confusing on purpose to make it more fun.

              So Blackdesertwind or Dragonessjade…wanna post something we can count?

              Or maybe Wolflodge or Tc_Cat333…we would be counting a long time 🙂



              I get 17 in the first pic and 45 in the second, for 62.


                keschete wrote:

                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                60 in total! 🙄 Boy that is lots.

                You are right 60 Windstones,

                So Blackdesertwind or Dragonessjade…wanna post something we can count?

                Or maybe Wolflodge or Tc_Cat333…we would be counting a long time 🙂


                😀 I’m glad we had it right Dragonessjade and myself, I beat Dragonessjade by only one minute. 😥 Unfortunatly I can’t post since 90% of my windstones are packed away in boxes until I find a place to move to. ( waited 3 year and still have not found anything 😥 .)


                Jvargas0667 wrote:

                I get 17 in the first pic and 45 in the second, for 62.

                How did you get 62? Are you having double vision because of all those dinos??? heheheheh!

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