Horse question (UPDATE. PICS!! )

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    ok so i rode my boy for the first time the other day (gasp he knows all the dressage leg commands!) aaanyway i was wondering if its normal for him to be..well..foaming and drooling all over the place while the bit is in his mouth…makes him look like cujo for gods sakes :: sighs:: some info on this would be most appreciated..thanks



    That’s very normal, especially on a horse with extra energy. Arthos foams half the time too.


    YES! That is actually quite excellent (see some Olympic horse photos, particularly in dressage ring). It means the horse is “working on the bit,” and is at his most responsive to your subtle hand commands. Equestrians work very hard to train their horses to get on the bit, despite its appearance. So, no worries for this is a wonderful thing!

    If I can find a photo of one of my horses on the bit, I’ll show you that your horses salivation is normal and your not alone! Good going!


      Yup, that’s normal! Even if it isn’t too attractive… πŸ˜‰

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


      oh good, yeah sorry dumb question i guess rofl, just wanted to make sure it was a good thing that he drooled everywhere oh an dhe looks wonderful with his neck arched..which he does on his own hee hee


      He knows he’s fancy. πŸ˜†


      he does actually, my GF was just shell shocked when i rode him, she was just starring open mouthed lol he does know alot of the dressage commands i was taught so..gimme a couple months working him and i will be in competitions πŸ˜€


        Congratulations!! that’s great. I know very little about horses and that probably would have freaked me a bit too.

        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


        i wasnt freaked per say just a bit confused lol he also has this habbit of trying to get his tongue over the bit..i will have to remedy that before my first show


        What breed is your horse and what level will you be showing at?

        I like watching dressage. πŸ™‚


        mimitrek wrote:

        What breed is your horse and what level will you be showing at?

        I like watching dressage. πŸ™‚

        hes a warmblood (cant remember which type need to look at his papers) and we will be showing at the 3rd level


        Dracomancer wrote:

        mimitrek wrote:

        What breed is your horse and what level will you be showing at?

        I like watching dressage. πŸ™‚

        hes a warmblood (cant remember which type need to look at his papers) and we will be showing at the 3rd level
        Neat! Show us some pictures when you get a chance! πŸ™‚


        well heres pics of me and knight during and after his workout..i think he enjoys posing for the camera πŸ˜†


          I love the shot where he is nudging you with his head. *Sigh* I miss being in high school and volunteering at a horse farm on the weekends in exchange for riding lessons. I haven’t ridden a horse in 10 years.

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