Hoo-Ha for being straight edge!

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      So someone I love dearly and deeply care about is addicted to a particular drug. (I dont want to say who even though it kind of doesnt matter) So much so that this person asked me for help-this person wanted to quit but didnt know how. We went to something like an AA meeting…but the group was so large and each person talked for so long, that this person didn’t feel it was effective. This person wanted to go in alone so I sat outside and did some homework. I watched people going in and was surprised at the kind of people that felt they had an addiction and wanted to seek help. Clean cut, intelligent looking people. Sure some looked like addicts and looked strung out but most didn’t.

      Ever since I’ve gotten out of high school I find more and more people I thought I knew that said they have used some illegal substance or other or currently in their life enjoy such illegal stuffs. When I worked at Dominos there was a husband and wife that worked there and they liked to…”party” a lot and would come in to work….”post party”. There was another employee that could tell exactly what they had been using to….”party” with within minutes just by their behaviors. O.O

      LIEK OMG SOMETIME I FEEL LIKE IM THE ONLY ONE who does not and has not ever…”partied”. In one aspect its lame because that’s one level I can’t relate to my friends and loved ones on but on the other hand I can say Ive been clean for my ENTIRE LIFE.

      SO, as my high school lacrosse coach used to say when he got excited, HOO HA for us straight edged people!

      Anyone else want to raise a triumphant fist in the air and give a “HOO-HA!” shout with me?



          I’m right there with you! No drugs, no cigarettes, barely any alcohol. We rock.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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            I can join you in the HOO HA! No illegal substances here. 8) I do drink, but not to excess.

            Yes. Having had to deal with this with my twin, yeah. You would be VERY surprised the people who go for NA, AA, etc. If your friend wants to try and find a smaller group, perhaps that would help? Depends on where you are located, but I know in my area, there is a huge list of AA meetings, though a smaller number of NA. However, I can also say that some of the individual meeting groups seem fairly ‘worthless’ in the regard that most of the people who attend don’t seem to ever take it seriously (say one thing in a meeting, leave the meeting and go right out to get their next score or drink… like it’s a place to pick up new enablers). That is the one thing I’ve found rather frustrating. The other thing, if the law is concerned, is where some counties/districts have a drug court set up, saying they have x% success rate, but yet, half the people they say have passed successfully, within 3 years, over 90%, if not 100 % are back using again, just not having been caught by the law. That and they set it up where rather than helping, everything is set on punishing for even the most minor infractions, rather than providing ‘help’. How does 24 hours in jail for being 5 minutes late to a meeting equate to helping a person get better when they are already jittery. 😕 Frustrating when the neighboring county has another set up that is more ‘helpful’ and at least a little bit more effective, though definitely could be improved I’m sure.

            It’s a hard thing (this has been an extremely stressful, on-going thing for my immediate family for 4-5 years). He never hung out with ‘that crowd’ that you would suspect. His spawns from a tragedy for him that he kept bottled up and wanting to drown the pain. We only know about it because it came out in counseling sessions at rehab where they needle you until you ‘break’ to get to the root cause of why use/drink, etc. Someone offered him ‘stuff’ and that was that, which is compounded by the fact that he’s never had a huge amount of will power (we are pretty much exact opposites, VERY much night and day and we’ve never been best buds… we were never that kind of set of twins). I know when he’s done his drug of choice. We can tell. We know when he’ll crash and know when to brace for it, because the mood is less than desirable to be around. He still has a LONG way to go and should get more counseling to come to terms with his personal tragedy that caused it, however, we can’t make him. It’s tough, but It CAN be done, but it is a struggle and will be EVERY DAY of your friend’s life, but it CAN be done if he wants it enough. ….oh, and YES, it is perfectly normal if he has setbacks. Don’t dwell on it as a screw up. You acknowledge it and move forward.

            I wish you and your friend lots of luck!


            No drugs, no nicotine, no alcohol–my life is boring. :yes:
            I guess I just listened to my mom’s story too much–she tried cigarettes and drinking to excess ONCE, and it was enough for her!


            HOO-HAAA!! I am with you there! No nicotine, no drugs, no beer, only a tad bit of alcohol, never been drunk, never been to a party, and I am proud of it, because my sister did all of those that I have just mentioned, and her life has been so rough. 🙁 We are here, just not as prevalent as those who do party. 😛


              HOO-HA! I will drink on occasion, but I never even tried smoking or other drugs. And only drank with family/parents (glass of wine or champaign, usually for NYE) before I was old enough to do so legally. I was pretty straight laced, still am.


                Hoo-Ha! No cigarettes, no drugs and next to no alcohol here too. We do rock.


                  HOO HA! I have never smoked or tried drugs 🙂


                    Hoo-Ha! I don’t smoke, drink or use drugs anymore! 🙂 I was never an addict, but I grew up in the 70’s – need I say more. Been there, done that.


                      Hoo Ha! No drugs, cigarettes or alcohol here either.


                      Woo-ha! No drugs, never tried smoking, and don’t drink! I don’t regret a thing, the ‘party’ lifestyle is so not for me.


                        Hoo Ha me too! I’ve gotten buzzed a few times, but never drank to the point of upheaval or blackout. And while I have tried mary jane a handful of times (literally, I could count the times on one hand), I found it just made me feel slow and stupid. Tried smoking once, and the feeling of having my lungs caked in crud for three days was plenty enough for me.

                        So, mostly straight edge (and currently completely straight edge, have been for 6+ years).

                        WE ARE NOT ALONE!! 8)


                          Poems wrote:

                          Hoo-Ha! I don’t smoke, drink or use drugs anymore! 🙂 I was never an addict, but I grew up in the 70’s – need I say more. Been there, done that.

                          lol My mom did too…well she was still a young adult, but I like to tease her that she’s a hippie. She doesnt even drink so it gives me a giggle.

                          Siberakh-I agree with you there. Punishing someone in that respect doesn’t always help the situation. It makes them resent themself for being caught and possibly more upset so they want to “party” even more after they get out. My friend is in the same situation as your twin. He had his girlfriend and his son killed in a car wreck right before his eyes 3-4 years ago and wanted something to drown in. His best friend at the time offered him some and that was that. I try to convince him to find a productive way to make his bad days go away-paint, excercise, listen to music, write…but none of it has worked yet.

                          But like I said, I just can’t understand where he’s coming from and how a person can be physically addicted. Not the same as being addicted to Windstones haha


                          I wish I could say Hoo Ha… I used to be addicted to T3’s. Note I say USED to, so no harping on me. I had them for a good reason, but then became addicted to them. :shrug: Happened to my mother too, apparently, so must be a genetic thing (since they weren’t effective for us, we took more then most people would, which led to one thing, then another).

                          On that note… Hoo Ha for never having taken illegal drugs, and for drinking socially only (like one drink)! 🙂

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