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      OK I thought we where finally done with this HUGE post???


      ddvm wrote:

      Sorry – the book by Jimmy Carter is Our Endangered Values – America’s Moral Crisis not Our Declining Moral Values. A Freudian slip?

      Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind.


      Dragon Master wrote:

      OK I thought we where finally done with this HUGE post???

      Ha ha! That’s only because I couldn’t get on the forum since last Sunday because I got buried in work again.

      I think we may be getting close to the end now though…. πŸ˜†


        either way it sound true!!


          mimitrek wrote:

          Dragon Master wrote:

          OK I thought we where finally done with this HUGE post???

          Ha ha! That’s only because I couldn’t get on the forum since last Sunday because I got buried in work again.

          I think we may be getting close to the end now though…. πŸ˜†
          Sorry I do not a have any nor will I ever have any 2 legged kids so home schoolong does not mean much to me and there where some very heated disscussion here and I just don’t want anyone to get offended


            Dragon Master wrote:

            mimitrek wrote:

            Dragon Master wrote:

            OK I thought we where finally done with this HUGE post???

            Ha ha! That’s only because I couldn’t get on the forum since last Sunday because I got buried in work again.

            I think we may be getting close to the end now though…. πŸ˜†
            Sorry I do not a have any nor will I ever have any 2 legged kids so home schoolong does not mean much to me and there where some very heated disscussion here and I just don’t want anyone to get offended

            It’s not heated at all, and those of us actually discussing said several times we’re enjoying it.


              all I know is it was a very big debate back and forth


                So? That’s just as much a part of life as Windstones.


                African Americans- “Of course they were severely disadvantaged to begin with because of slavery, but hundreds of years have passed and they have much higher crime rates and poverty levels than whites “

                I think African Americans and Hispanics are “resting on their laurels” (old or new) for being downtrodden and unfortunate- THEY keep themselves that way because they enjoy the handouts they are given. As an aside- WE, as a country, still feel guilt for slavery so we implement things such as “Affirmative Action” plans for these poor, unfortunate souls who have not had all of the accoutrements of a desirable lifestyle because society has pushed them down.

                For instance, College Affirmative Action Plans- to me that is very near equivalent to “anti-caucasian” – White people are being selected AGAINST by their own government by giving preference to non-white students all in the name of “diversity.” If the minority cannot cut it in college applications, even by a small margin, through GPA or written essays then they should not be given a leg up over someone who can because they are not white.

                I think it just upsets me because looking at two college applications that are both exceptionally talented students- one person is white and the other is a minority- they will give preference to the minority based on race. But why- what makes them special enough to warrant such higher worth?

                But you don’t hear about that as racism, that’s something different. I think they’ve estimated that with the current influx of immigration and virtually uncontrolled reproduction by said influx, within 10 years white people will be the minority in most US states. I will bet a full paycheck that when that day comes they will not do affirmative action for the new caucasian minority.


                  I agree. I was going to say I think white folks are the minority now. I just wish we never had this stupid superiority complex to overcome. I have worked very hard to get wher I am today and anyone else out there could have too.

                  I am white in case anyone wants to know.


                  I am Hispanic (Cuban), but no one knows unless I tell them or go off on a Ricky Ricardo rant (like I did when the guys broke my window!) 😯

                  I think I am the only Hispanic in my town, and possibly the county. There are a handful of African-Americans here, but this hilbilly town isn’t the most welcoming to those who don’t have a whole lot of red on their necks.

                  It has taken them a long time to get used to me, and I still get a few stupid comments (derogatory to Hispanics or “spics” as we have been called) even after being here 20 years.

                  I choose to live here, so I just learn to live with it, but it hurts sometimes when people are ignorant. πŸ™ I never received any grants or special treatment, and I have worked darn hard to earn the respect of my neighbors and co-workers.

                  Sorry for babbling, no complaints here. I LOVE my life, my family, my job, and ESPECIALLY, my God. I really dislike racism though, and I wish it didn’t exist. God created us all! Black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc., we are all His children whether we acknowledge it or not. πŸ˜€

                  I hope none of you ever have to deal with intolerance and hatred; it is so damaging, both to the hater and hated!


                    I also hate the term reverse discrimination. I does not make a difference where comes from or where it’s going it’s just plain WRONG


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    mimitrek wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    OK I thought we where finally done with this HUGE post???

                    Ha ha! That’s only because I couldn’t get on the forum since last Sunday because I got buried in work again.

                    I think we may be getting close to the end now though…. πŸ˜†
                    Sorry I do not a have any nor will I ever have any 2 legged kids so home schoolong does not mean much to me and there where some very heated disscussion here and I just don’t want anyone to get offended

                    It’s not heated at all, and those of us actually discussing said several times we’re enjoying it.
                    Exactly! πŸ™‚ It was just a good opportunity to hear each other’s viewpoints.


                    CherylKaufman wrote:

                    For instance, College Affirmative Action Plans- to me that is very near equivalent to “anti-caucasian” – White people are being selected AGAINST by their own government by giving preference to non-white students all in the name of “diversity.” If the minority cannot cut it in college applications, even by a small margin, through GPA or written essays then they should not be given a leg up over someone who can because they are not white.

                    I agree with that. And its the case not just with whites, but with Asians too. And I saw that even at the high school level — the public high school that I went to was an academic one where there was fierce competition to get in. Even when I was there a long time ago, it was already 50% Asian and they actually instituted a policy that Asians had to get higher scores/grades to get in than other students….and the admission requirements were significantly lower for blacks and Hispanics (even so, there were very few at the school). There were a lot of complaints about that, but I’m not sure if anything ever got changed.


                      Thank you for sharing your point of view, Goldragon2!. You can imagine how I felt when I learned that a couple of kids in my son’s school were calling him a spic. He was 10 at the time – give me a break! πŸ‘Ώ He never heard the term before that. Where did the kids learn it from? Their parents, most likely. People need to learn tolerance and teach their kids the same. Not all minorities are “bad” and not all white people are “good”. I think there should be a level playing field, without special treatment for any race. The world is going to pass us by, while we are busy arguing amongst ourselves. BTW, I am “white”.

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