We’re home! Had an epic trip to Cali for my brother’s wedding and then a mad dash home – 14 hours straight driving and 5 states, left beautiful 71 F weather in Riverside, CA and arrived home to a raging snow storm in Soda Springs… makes me a little homesick 😳 It was the first time in about 9 years that my whole family was together – my mum and dad, the 6 of us kids, spouses and children, aunts and uncles and last surviving grandmother. My nephew and his wife are expecting their first child which makes my younger sister a grand’ma, my parents great-grandparents and our grandmother a great-great-grandmother at the fabulous age of 92! It was great to see everyone but I certainly miss them… it’s really hard to be spread out all over the world from Cali to Utah to Idaho to Massachusetts to Australia; the visit wasn’t long enough, but then it never is… Good to be back “home” with my Windstone Family! Lurv ya all lots!
twindragonsmum 😀