HOLY WOW! Look at this guy!!

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      mimitrek wrote:

      Hmm…I didn’t even notice that or that the horn had been painted. I just noticed that she did paint the hooves though, so it kind of ties in with the horn.

      so won’t that just kind of peel right off the gold plating?

      I’m not sure what constitutes a “professional painter”

      but I do have an associates degree, I’ve taken rendering techniques, color theory and a ton of other classes my official title is Interior Designer….

      but I have many other qualifications in art….

      My “professional” opinion has not changed….


      frozendragon wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      Hmm…I didn’t even notice that or that the horn had been painted. I just noticed that she did paint the hooves though, so it kind of ties in with the horn.

      so won’t that just kind of peel right off the gold plating?

      That’s a good point…but I have no idea…


        mimitrek wrote:

        frozendragon wrote:

        mimitrek wrote:

        Hmm…I didn’t even notice that or that the horn had been painted. I just noticed that she did paint the hooves though, so it kind of ties in with the horn.

        so won’t that just kind of peel right off the gold plating?

        That’s a good point…but I have no idea…

        you’d have to sand and prime….and all kinds of stuff…


        That makes sense. Are acrylic paints anything like latex paints in the way they stick to metal? I know latex housepaints will just peel right off.


          mimitrek wrote:

          That makes sense. Are acrylic paints anything like latex paints in the way they stick to metal? I know latex housepaints will just peel right off.

          yeah acrylic is water soluble too…and it peels just like latex…

          and that gold is smooth….when I’m painting I don’t mask it just run my fingernail across it when I’m done and it’s as clean as when I got it…


          Hmm…definitely not a good idea to paint on top of it without proper priming then.

          But I prefer the hooves and horn of kirins to just be gold instead of painted anyway…


            mimitrek wrote:

            Hmm…definitely not a good idea to paint on top of it without proper priming then.

            But I prefer the hooves and horn of kirins to just be gold instead of painted anyway…

            one of mine was just painted…but it’s going with a theme…the others are all gold or silver leafed…but only if the silver is part of the paint job….


            Really? Which one was that? Is it in the gallery yet?


              mimitrek wrote:

              Really? Which one was that? Is it in the gallery yet?

              yup it’s in the gallery..look in my albums in the kirin one called Shadow…

              no silver leaf ones yet…


              Oh, I remember him — that’s a nice one! But I didn’t notice that you had painted the hooves until you pointed it out just now. That does go well with the color scheme.


                mimitrek wrote:

                Oh, I remember him — that’s a nice one! But I didn’t notice that you had painted the hooves until you pointed it out just now. That does go well with the color scheme.

                yup….just looks like part of him


                Yeah…it reminds me of the way a horse can have a leg which is black with a dark hoof and another leg with a white stocking and a light hoof…


                  mimitrek wrote:

                  Yeah…it reminds me of the way a horse can have a leg which is black with a dark hoof and another leg with a white stocking and a light hoof…

                  yeah that’s what I was going for….glad it worked


                  It sure did! 🙂


                    Guess I was wrong. It didnt sell. I hope it gets relisted for cheaper.

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