HOLY WOW! Look at this guy!!

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    How much are airbrushes if anyone knows?


      They vary a lot. I actually have one I’m trying to sell, if you want one. Super cheap ones can be $30 or so, nicer ones run up to $100+ sometimes. Mine’s a mid range one, it’s off brand, but it’s a double action, which is the nicer kind. You also have to buy a compressor though, if you don’t have one. That’s the expensive part.


      Griffiness wrote:

      How much are airbrushes if anyone knows?

      If you want one that’s any good, bank on $85 or more. The Iwtata eclipse is really nice, that’s what I started with. I use an HP-C now, and was going to buy a Micron until my comptuer died. Now I”m buying a new computer instead 😡 I’d suggest buying new, simply because replacing parts can get pricey. But, sometimes you get decent deals if you buy them used on eBay. They also need a compressor, special paint(or watered down cheap stuff) and I’d recommend air brush cleaner.

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