Holy fussy baby batman!

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      Ok I’ve been spoiled with Alyssa and I know it. She has been an angle since one month old and sleeps through the night and never really cries near as much as I expected a baby to. Well these past couple of days seem to have changed that. She is 3 months going on 4 so I don’t know if there is some kind of super baby event that happens at that age that causes them to fuss more but OMG. Yesterday she pitched such a fit I had to resort to the baby swing to get her calmed down. Today I made the mistake of trying tummy time which I knew would upset her but I didn’t expect her to freak out like she did. She screamed and screamed like she was in pain. If I picked her up and rocked her it would be better but she still had a fit. I had to put her back in the swing and it still took a good 30 minutes for her to settle down and fall asleep. I’ve looked in her mouth for any signs of teeth but I don’t see any. She had a good poop today and wasn’t all that gassy. What the heck could she be freaking out about? The past two days we where out and about with the wedding and festival but she seemed fine with those. Is there some kind of secret baby ritual to drive parents crazy at 3 months??? Oh and I just had to throw in the happy baby laugh video we did last night before she through a fit….



          ours did that too oddly enough….just keep your routine, and endure…she may be going through a growth spurt, and is uncontrollably hungry…or perhaps teeth may be getting ready to pop through…with Donovan we just endured in puzzled agony…wondering what the heck we were doing wrong.. πŸ™„


            Lol yeah puzzled agony… thats what we are in right now πŸ˜₯ I remember her first growth spurt she was latched on to me almost 24/7. I had to call the lactation nurse to make sure that was normal. I had no sleep for 3 days straight.


              She might also be really tired. Keep to the routine, and she’ll settle back.

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                It’s possible she was overly stimulated this past weekend, between the rehearsal dinner, wedding and the fairy festival. πŸ˜•


                  Could be growth spurt, could be over tired, could also be that she’s entering a new developmental stage, wants to be more actively involved in life but lacks the ability at the moment. I know that my boys got REALLY frustrated with everything at about 3-4 months of age; they couldn’t yet squirm into things, grab and hold on to things very well and were EXTREMELY unhappy about it. Luckily (or not) that stage didn’t last long. They were mobile really early on and learned to co-operate with each other to accomplish things and outwit mum & papa 😯 When they were about a year old we found them sitting on top of the refigerator…. they’d worked together to move a kitchen chair over to the counter, climbed up and helped each other up, up, up 😯

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                    I just don’t know what she is fussing about. She is usually so happy and rarely fusses let alone for this long. We tried every toy she has and she seems unsure if she wants to be happy or sad. One minute she will laugh then make the “pouty” lip. Sometimes she laughs while making the pouty lip and still has tears in her eyes.


                    Any ear pulling? any excessive drooling? Could be teeth, they start around 3-4 months, but it takes a while for them to pop out. If she doesn’t have a fever, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You could try baby tylonel or hylunds teething tablets, they worked WONDERS for both my kiddos. All natural too….

                    Most likely she is just out of sorts from a hectic weekend….


                    Your guess is as good as mine…but Karli got her teeth in around 4 months. It was funny too, cause I told her doctor at her 3 mo check up that I thought her teeth were coming in and he pishawed me saying it was too early.

                    So when we saw him for her 6 mo, I pointed to the two fully in bottom teeth and the halfway in uppers and said, “You were saying?” LOL! I love proving these people wrong!

                    So it is possible that Alyssa’s teeth are planning an early appearance. Sometimes you can feel them as hard bumps under the gums, but not always. Of course I think that sometimes babies just go through a “I’m gonna cry and fuss for no particular reason” stage too. Hang in there!



                    twindragonsmum wrote:

                    Could be growth spurt, could be over tired, could also be that she’s entering a new developmental stage, wants to be more actively involved in life but lacks the ability at the moment. I know that my boys got REALLY frustrated with everything at about 3-4 months of age; they couldn’t yet squirm into things, grab and hold on to things very well and were EXTREMELY unhappy about it. Luckily (or not) that stage didn’t last long. They were mobile really early on and learned to co-operate with each other to accomplish things and outwit mum & papa 😯 When they were about a year old we found them sitting on top of the refigerator…. they’d worked together to move a kitchen chair over to the counter, climbed up and helped each other up, up, up 😯

                    twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

                    Woah!! What a scare that must have been!


                    Glen started to get teeth at 3-4 months too. You can’t see them at first, but if you rub your finger over the gums you can feel if there are little “mounds” where they are coming up. Usually the fronts are first, top or bottom.
                    I used my gramma’s “home remedy” until I could get to the store…I don’t suggest it to other people though, most people think I am horrible when I tell them. It was what she did when there wasn’t such a thing as Oragel or the others you see ont he market today mind you, She was born in 1924, and my aunt in 1942. But, peppermint schnapps works wonders. No, I don’t mean pour her a shot of it, or even a thimble full. Just dip your finger into it, and rub a dab on the gums where the teeth are coming in. No, also my son never got drunk off it. πŸ˜› But, it did help. *shrugs* 😳


                      When my sister and I were babies, rubbing whiskey on the gums was the norm. I’m sure my mother was tempted to have a shot for herself, even though she didn’t drink. πŸ˜† That’s just the way the earlier generation dealt with things…as WC said, there was no such thing as Orajel.


                      I don’t know about any one else’s experience with orajel,, but for us it was worthless. It made my son scream e ven more and I never bothered with it for my girl. I used the teething tablets I mentioned up above, and they worked like a charm.

                      kids on the top of the fridge??!! 😯 πŸ˜† Mine likes to shimmy up the front holding onto the handles…. πŸ™„


                      my sister used orajel for my nephew…although she wound up using it on herself more than him from what I saw.

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