Holy crap!!!

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      kitsunelady wrote:

      I saw that earlier when it was around $330 or so, and almost commented on it, but…I wasn’t sure if that was unusual, since I never pay attention to the prints (not that they aren’t nice, but I haven’t got anywhere to hang them, and none of them are of Poads, so I have no real motivation to make room). Too bad they aren’t on Ravnheart’s, too. =x Although they aren’t technically Windstones…

      Another reason the prints aren’t in the database is very seldomly are they labled with windstone or Pena in them and I don’t have the time to go hunting every possible keyword on ebay for them.


        When I saw this I was blown away as well! $355 for a print–pretty steep. If I really, really liked it and it was no longer availble I wouldn’t go over $75–I mean I have to really, really like it! Insane and yes, one happy seller! Obviously someone with lots and lots of money to burn!

        I wouldn’t mind if Melody made prints of some of the COA sketches of the Poads–don’t think I’d fork over $355 for them! 😮


        LadyFirebird wrote:

        When I saw this I was blown away as well! $355 for a print–pretty steep. If I really, really liked it and it was no longer availble I wouldn’t go over $75–I mean I have to really, really like it! Insane and yes, one happy seller! Obviously someone with lots and lots of money to burn!

        I wouldn’t mind if Melody made prints of some of the COA sketches of the Poadâ„¢s–don’t think I’d fork over $355 for them! 😮

        I’d love it if she auctioned off a Poad sketch…but I wouldn’t pay as much for a sketch as a Poad! 😆


          In the fine art world, limited edition prints do sell for these kinds of prices. Could be the buyer was used to that.

          That said, it’s a very good price considering what the original Pena prints sell for. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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          Is there a list of prints that are not available for sale? I remember seeing a unicorn head once—


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          Is there a list of prints that are not available for sale? I remember seeing a unicorn head once—

          I have two prints I know aren’t made anymore. One is a unicorn head with blackberry brambles in the background that I purchased from a forum member, and the other is a profile study of a cheetah, leopard, and jaguar that my mother found on Astral Castle and surprised me with for my birthday last year.


          copper83 wrote:

          Someone is going to be really ticked off if they find out that this print is still available for $12.00. Even with framing thats high!

          Sorry if this has already been brought up in another thread. I looked but didn’t find one.

          That’s a gorgeous print though!! They are still available? Where do you get them from? I’d love to frame this and hang it.


            By The Sword looks like they still have some


              Astral Castle has them too. http://www.ccgs.com/cgi-bin/miva?Merchant2/merchant.mv+Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=AC&Category_Code=40072 . They are really good about keeping their website up to date.


              Yes, Astral Castle is a very, very nice site… 😀

              I cannot believe that someone did not research that print before purchasing it for that price! That would have been a lovely down payment for my SK that I am slobbering over… 😆

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