Holy crap!!!

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      Someone is going to be really ticked off if they find out that this print is still available for $12.00. Even with framing thats high!

      Sorry if this has already been brought up in another thread. I looked but didn’t find one.



          Wow. I’ll bet the seller is happy!


            355 for a print, 58 bidders were the same person. Looks fishy to me.


              Well, the winner is legit, and has paid handsomely for things before, so I can say that’ll be one happy seller. Have no idea about all those micro increment bids… 😕 I’ll avoid accusations.


                I saw that earlier when it was around $330 or so, and almost commented on it, but…I wasn’t sure if that was unusual, since I never pay attention to the prints (not that they aren’t nice, but I haven’t got anywhere to hang them, and none of them are of Poads, so I have no real motivation to make room). Too bad they aren’t on Ravnheart’s, too. =x Although they aren’t technically Windstones…

                There’s no way to know the motives of the person who poked at it so many times unless someone here is psychic. So many possibilities as to why they would do that, and while most of them aren’t very nice, there are some people who just bid that way because they think they’ll get it cheaper by doing that. I guess it could be true in some cases, but they do run more of a risk of losing to a sniper by bidding so close. Could it be an automatic bidding program? Hmm, I suppose we shouldn’t speculate. 9_9; The poker could be a forum member.


                I paid $125 for the large Dragon print…It was steep, but worth every penny. I had more money back then though! 😕
                $355 is pretty steep though… 😮
                Congrats to the winner!


                  Might they have been bumped by someone bidding? They might have set their bid at a certain level and the person bidding against them kept bumping up their bid. Used to say whether it was a bump or not, I’m not sure if ebay still does that.


                  I think auto bids do an increment increase up until you hit the limit you set. SO it is possible that that was what was happening… 😉


                    WOW… 😮 $355.00… 😮
                    I guess someone really wantde that print…it is beautiful… 😉



                      WindstoneCollector wrote:

                      I think auto bids do an increment increase up until you hit the limit you set. SO it is possible that that was what was happening… 😉

                      I’m confused by this statement. Are you saying the one person who has 58 bids wasn’t manually bidding higher every few seconds? What are “auto bids”?


                        Lokie wrote:

                        WindstoneCollector wrote:

                        I think auto bids do an increment increase up until you hit the limit you set. SO it is possible that that was what was happening… 😉

                        I’m confused by this statement. Are you saying the one person who has 58 bids wasn’t manually bidding higher every few seconds? What are “auto bids”?

                        One of the bidders had to manualy increase their bid, but if the high bidder put in a max bid of $360 say, and the other person kept putting in bids $5 higher than the last they would show up as a seperate bids. BUT there is a new function on the actual auction page called “one click bid” or somethink like that, so instead of having to go through 3 pages to put in a bid, you just click on the “one click bid” button and it increases your bid to the next highest incriment. So bid wars can be waged by two people clicking that button.

                        Anyway, hope that helps.


                        Wow. Yeah, definitely one happy seller. 😮


                          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                          Lokie wrote:

                          I’m confused by this statement. Are you saying the one person who has 58 bids wasn’t manually bidding higher every few seconds? What are “auto bids”?

                          One of the bidders had to manualy increase their bid, but if the high bidder put in a max bid of $360 say, and the other person kept putting in bids $5 higher than the last they would show up as a seperate bids. BUT there is a new function on the actual auction page called “one click bid” or somethink like that, so instead of having to go through 3 pages to put in a bid, you just click on the “one click bid” button and it increases your bid to the next highest incriment. So bid wars can be waged by two people clicking that button.

                          Anyway, hope that helps.
                          Ah, thank you. I’ve seen that function and I wasn’t sure what it did. I thought maybe it bypassed the confirmation page for faster bidding, but I didn’t realize it did it through increments. Good think I’ve never tried to snipe using it.


                            That’s a rather astonishing price, almost makes me wonder if the winner misplaced a decimal in his/her original bid.

                            It’s a nice print though, I hope he/she likes and enjoys it. 😕

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