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    Oh me oh my. I get it. It’s very dangerous making negative comments about Windstones, especially to hardcore collector forum members. That’s why Dad doesn’t say anything at all when I mention my newest buy. 😀


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Oh me oh my. I get it. It’s very dangerous making negative comments about Windstones, especially to hardcore collector forum members. That’s why Dad doesn’t say anything at all when I mention my newest buy. 😀

      Oh, no…she loved the kitty…the comment was about me. I dont remember exactly what it was. Im sure I blocked it out like I do many of my dealings with my mother, but maybe I can remember it or find the comment in the email trash.

      ANd the chocolate went out today, but if it shows up smooshed, im sorry. I had to keep shipping cheap, so I put it in those padded envelopes. Hope you like it anyway!


        I’m sure the chocolate will be fine…and don’t get a headache trying to come up with old Christmas stories…you are making new happy stories with your son now!!!


          starbreeze wrote:

          I’m sure the chocolate will be fine…and don’t get a headache trying to come up with old Christmas stories…you are making new happy stories with your son now!!!

          He wrote a letter to santa. It says, “I love you.” He doesnt even KNOW the guy!


          Unless the guy is played by a girl who goes by the name of Ski… Maybe you ought to clear him up on the matter? 😀


            He’ll figure it out eventually. I dont want to ruin it for him 😛


            Fair ’nuff. My littlest brother was on the verge of figuring out who Santa Claus was, so yesterday for St. Nicholas Day Dad didn’t so the usual dress-up. The candy bags just appeared by themselves. 😉




              He wrote a letter to santa. It says, “I love you.” He doesnt even KNOW the guy!

              My son always signed his letters “I love you” too. Does Justin leave cookies for Santa? We always have to leave something for the reindeer too. I have a receipe for reindeer mix, if you want it…


                starbreeze wrote:



                He wrote a letter to santa. It says, “I love you.” He doesnt even KNOW the guy!

                My son always signed his letters “I love you” too. Does Justin leave cookies for Santa? We always have to leave something for the reindeer too. I have a receipe for reindeer mix, if you want it…

                I dont wanna cook reindeer! Thats kind of a sacreligious thing to do around Christmas! Poor Santa would have a fit!!!

                Just kidding. Sure, I would LOVE it. I bet Justin would get a kick out of it, too.


                  Ha! Ha! A little reindeer would be good for you…just kidding!!! I’ll find the receipe for you. Shall I post it here or PM you?


                    starbreeze wrote:

                    Ha! Ha! A little reindeer would be good for you…just kidding!!! I’ll find the receipe for you. Shall I post it here or PM you?

                    Put it in the food forum 😀


                      Great idea!!! I’ll PM you when it’s up….I have to find the book…it’s around here somewhere… 😕


                        SPark wrote:

                        I’m a Scrooge. Bah Humbug.

                        Well, not really. I just get VERY annoyed at the stupid, bad, pop singer Christmas music that takes over the radio. There are hundreds of amazingly good Christmas songs for choir, traditional and new, and every single one of them so much better than some wanna-be wailing their version of Little Drummer Boy, but they NEVER play the real Christmas music, just the Britney Spears mangled version. Ugh.

                        I just heard a Mariah Carey version of “All I want for Christmas is You.” I liked it alot. Im with you on most of the others, though.


                          starbreeze wrote:

                          Ha! Ha! A little reindeer would be good for you…just kidding!!! I’ll find the receipe for you. Shall I post it here or PM you?

                          Reindeer is actualy quite tasty….grilled with a nice salt rub, or a nicely roasted rib roast….


                            well…I guess Santa has to do something with the reindeer that don’t make his team…. 😆

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