
Holiday gifts.

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      My hubby got me an Easy Bake Oven a couple years ago.
      We had been talking about growing up and when I was a girl I’d always wanted an Easy Bake Oven. When my parents got me one for Christmas, it didn’t work. So instead of exchanging it for me, she said I needed pants more. And then she never got me the pants. :scratch:
      Mike always tries to cover the little divits in my past. He’s awesome!


      I don’t remember gifts that I’ve received so much, as ones I’ve given. My favorite one was the PYO wolf “Singe” I gave to my brother… he was speechless! And I swear I saw a bit of a tear come to his eyes. It made me so happy that he loved something that I had spent hours on, just for him. 🙂 Either that or the squeal of joy that Colin gave when I gave him the Monty Python Holy Trilogy (Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Meaning of Life). Haha, that one was cute. 🙂 But don’t tell him that! 😉

      I swear the best gift for me is seeing other people’s reactions to what I got for them! That is my Christmas. I could get nothing and be happy with that. 🙂

      I feel a little bad that I don’t have the real personal gifts to give out this year. I didn’t have time or the money to shop. Oh well. Hopefully they’ll like the engagement photos!


        Phoenix wrote:

        My hubby got me an Easy Bake Oven a couple years ago.
        We had been talking about growing up and when I was a girl I’d always wanted an Easy Bake Oven. When my parents got me one for Christmas, it didn’t work. So instead of exchanging it for me, she said I needed pants more. And then she never got me the pants. :scratch:
        Mike always tries to cover the little divits in my past. He’s awesome!

        HA! JUST LIKE ON HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER:D (yes Im obsessed with that show) Lilly (Allison Hannigan) wanted one when she was a kid but her feminest mother didnt want her conforming to gender roles. She tells Ted this when they are in college and more than 10 years later, he remembers. Lilly’s husband, Marshall doesnt know what to get her, and Ted suggests it-shes floored that she finally got one and that Ted rememered. Great show. Great episode. 🙂

        That’s really sweet Phoenix 🙂 Sounds like you definatly picked the right guy 😉

        Gosh, I dont know if I can narrow it down. As far as “awesome” factor-when I was 16, my parents and I sat around the Christmas tree opening presents. I usually save the big ones for last, but my mom set a small box aside and told me I couldnt open it until last. I thought it might be jewlery or something. Well when everything else was opened, it was time for the little box.
        Inside was a set of keys….at first, my dense head thought “Why are they giving me a set of old keys?” and probably a full 30 seconds later I realized…”WAIT! THESE ARENT OLD! THESE ARE NEW! AND THESE ARE CAR KEYS!!”

        Sure enough, there was a BRAND NEW Chevy Cavalier Z24 parked outside-a beautiful bright electric blue with a huge red bow on top. O.O My parents were always middle class or lower middle class-they only had money for 3 short years when my Dad’s business was booming. I dont always like to say “Yeah my parents gave me a car for Christmas” because it makes me sound snooty and makes my parents sound rich-well I dont like to think Im a snooty person and my parents aren’t/weren’t rich. But they had some extra money and it was so beyond nice that they spent it making payments on that awesome car. It had 59 miles on it, from driving it from Beaumont, which is on the OOOOOOOOTHER side of Houston (scary East Houston) It was a coupe with a sun roof, XM radio and unlike some other Cavaliers Ive test driven, it was zippy for a 4 cyl. car. I loved that thing. It was 4 years old and almost paid off when it got totaled in a wreck a few years ago. Another driver ran a red light 😥

        As for sentimental gifts-my grandmother made me a quilt one year. She has made quilts for my cousins and I before but I really love this one because the color scheme is so different than the traditional colors she had used previously. It is electric blue and black with lots of small bits of random colors. I had asked casually for a blue and black quilt-I never expected her to actually make one!


          That’s too funny! I haven’t seen that show. Is it the one with Doogie Howser in it?

          He is special. From cooking and cleaning, to fixing cars and computers. He was the one getting up in the middle of the night with the babies and let me sleep. Forgives all of my short-comings and is my perfect match. My heart still pitter-pats when he comes home from work. 😳 This after 13 years. I’m very lucky!


            I have had so many wonderul holidays and gifts growing up but the one I rmember the most is having my maternal grandmother in my parents home for her last Christmas (she was in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s) and to me that was a most wondeful gift.


              My favorite present is the fact that I can actually afford to give gifts to family and friends this year for the first time in two years! Especially since Chloe has been born, I hadn’t been able to buy her anything until this year. I want to give the things to everyone now!! 😛


              Favorite of all time would probably be when I was 3 years old, I had gotten a very fuzzy stuffed Simba plushie from one of my aunts. I always took him wherever I went (no matter where either). He had been lost inside Disneyland three times, the mall about four times, at a few airports, a couple of Vegas casinos & hotels, and had been thrown out the window by my younger sister in a parking lot when I was about seven years old. I cried about not having him with me for three days, then when I came home from school, he was waiting at the door! 😀 My mom told me that some very kind person had put him on a stop sign at a busy intersection where she always drove through. I have wanted to thank this angel of a person, and I always wish them the best wherever and whoever they are. 🙂 He’s a little bruised and battered (but always loved) and is still lying on my bed this very moment, next to a puppet/plushie wolf I had gotten at my eighth birthday from my mom.


                oh! I forgot my very best christmas gift! I was 5 years old and I desperatly wanted a puffalump, which were “THE TOY” of the year. Well, my mother said she wouldn’t get me one, since i had too many stuffed animals. So my aunt got one for me, a yellow cat and told me I could have him (yes I know they wore dresses, but I took the dress off, and put him in a onesie instead), but only if I promised to sleep with him forever. I’m 31 now, and he’s completely well-loved, but he still sits on my bed and sleeps with me every night, much to my husband’s amusement! 😀

                Keeper of the Fledgings


                  My best gift was finaly spending christmass with my father for the first time. My parents seperate when I was 3 years of age. I search for him when I was 16 and finaly found him. We spent christmass together with his wife and that was enough for me to finaly get to know him. 😀


                    When I was in Kindergarten my dad bought me a Creepy Crawlers maker. At the time it was just a real cool present that I had wanted, but looking back on it now it just reminds me that my dad has never tried to force me to be “girly” when I didn’t want to be, unlike some other people in my life. He’s a pretty great guy 😀 He bought me a hatching dragon for Christmas when I was in middle school, and a cat wizard candle lamp another year, even though I hadn’t asked for them thinking they would be too expensive.

                    Also, one year my grandma sent me some office supplies, among them a mini stapler. I laughed until I cried. She was entirely sound, mentally, but tended to send presents indiscriminately. She’ll have been gone a year in January, and I will never forget some of the goofy presents she sent us.


                      when I was about 12 or so I got a Mongoose bike that was the big bike name back then


                      One year for Christmas my parents got me the MLP mansion from Santa, I woke up at my grandmas to find it all put together under the tree with some new ponies, I was so happy i didnt even want to stop playing with it to open other stuff!

                      The year I got my nintentdo was pretty neat too, lol.

                      My most special Christmas was the one before last because it was the last with Dad, i dont have a clue what I got for Christmas that year at all, but I will always treasure it forever, without him I have no connection to the rest of my family.


                        ruffian wrote:

                        One year for Christmas my parents got me the MLP mansion from Santa, I woke up at my grandmas to find it all put together under the tree with some new ponies, I was so happy i didnt even want to stop playing with it to open other stuff!

                        The year I got my nintentdo was pretty neat too, lol.

                        Did All of us Northern Canuck Kids get the same Gifts for Christmas? 😆

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