hmm…griffin PYO….hubby's gonna kill me.

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone hmm…griffin PYO….hubby's gonna kill me.

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      I’ve barely come out of my workshop for the past three days and my husband’s ready to kill me. He actually cheered when I told him I was all out of PYOs. I told him I was gonna order even more next time 😈 😈 😈 Well, here’s my shot at a PYO griffin…he’s already up on ebay 😀 😀



        Very cool! Love the wings.


          I love the grey color. The wings are stunning!!


            Wow! Love him!


              He’s my fave so far but I am VERY partial to griffins. I hope he goes for a good price 🙂


              good color choices for the beak and claws.


                Thank you! I tested three other colors for them before I decided this color suited the rest of him the best. 😀 😀 I was afraid that after all the body work I’d pick the wrong beak/claw colors and screw the whole thing up!


                I haven’t been a big fan of the PYO’s I guess I am a purist and like a lot of the old Windstone pieces….

                But I was so stunned when I saw your griffin on Ebay! I bid on him! He is gorgeous and I want him…I promised myself that after the Old Warrior purchase that I would stop (buying any of the higher priced stuff)…..But you griffin is just so gorgeous!

                Hopefully he will be MINE!!!!


                taking a quiet step to the side to get out of keschete’s way. 😆


                gryphondreamer wrote:

                taking a quiet step to the side to get out of keschete’s way. 😆

                Hehehehehe…(insert maniacal laugh)….he really is gorgeous! Purplecat…they should hire you at Windstone!

                He could be the cross between my Male Black griffin and my new Female Pearl griffin. He matches my little family!!!


                  OMG!! That would be my dream job, but for now I’ll have to settle for doing PYOs and finding broken windstones to repaint and resell. Keep an eye out for me on ebay and bid, bid, bid!!!!! 😈


                  purplecat wrote:

                  Keep an eye out for me on ebay and bid, bid, bid!!!!! 😈

                  bidding and getting out bid by bidders i know will out bid me again… 😥


                    Keep bidding! You never know… 😀


                      Wow, I really like him O__O Love those wings.

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