Hiya gang

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  • #687541

      Welcome! 😀


        Welcome to the forum! 😀


        welcome ;’)


          Wyvern wrote:

          Thanks everyone!

          And Thank you Kyrin for the warning!

          As for my critters, at this stage, I need to wait for some confirmation on what can be altered on a production piece before I jump the gun and post some pictures (and ruffle feathers).

          I’ll probably purchase one more and just give it a top coat.

          Looks like fun stuff!

          I hope what I’m about to write is not a disappointment. I can understand very much where you are coming from. Before I started working for Windstone I probably wouldn’t have known the following either!

          Windstone really, really, really discourages repainting and especially modifying (as in, sculpting anew to look different/adding personal flourishes, etc) a production Windstone. It is not because they want to stifle creativity- indeed Windstone encourages creativity and originality (you’ll note that on the main Windstone page it has a link for Copyright 101- one of the best ways to protect your work is to make it unique and original). No, they discourage repaints and alterations for legal reasons. Windstone sculptures (by Melody) are artpieces that Melody and Windstone owns not only copyrights on, but a trade dress on (which protects the very ‘look’ of the sculptures). When someone takes her work and adds to/changes it, it causes the potential problem of not only double copyrights, but also can create confusion for collectors of Windstone pieces if they do not know what they are looking at.

          Before you post pictures, you will probably need to talk to John, who is Melody’s husband and deals with most of the legal stuff for Windstone (as he is most often in touch with their Lawyer). His email is John@windstoneeditions.com

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Hiya and Welcome 😀


            Thanks Jennifer,

            I wrote John Saturday and am interested on what he has to say. Which ever way it goes, I’ll certainly abide by the Forum rules (with maybe a bit of grumbling 😉 …


              HELLO AND WELCOME!!! it’s nice to have another guy on the forum…oh wait no it isn’t…less beautiful ladies to go around 😉 😉

              waiting for hate mail to come in…

              I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
              Engaged to a Weasel


              Windstone (and the forum) are quite addictive. I have been on here for less than a week and have already bought two more dragons to add to my collection! (lol) So…Welcome!



                Here are two stickies that help to find Important links for all new members:




                Hello and a late welcome. Hopefully you will be able to post pics of what you have done. 😀


                  Hi from Idaho; glad you found us!

                  twindragonsmum 😀


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