Hiya gang

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  • #687527

    I’m a novice sculpture who came upon a rather battered Windstone dragon which followed me home.

    Before I settle in, I guess I should say I’m rather a tinkerer, and find it difficult to leave well enough alone. I’ve searched through the forums looking to see if anyone else has the lunacy to take a prefectly wonderful item and change it just because they can. Well, I’ve yet to see a post in that direction, so hopefully what I’ve done will not be considered blasphemy 🙄 .

    My first Windstone Dragon is pretty badly damaged with the front of the tail and feet missing, there are some other nicks and chips, but restorable. I was rather taken in by the huge amount of detail these figures contain. The felt on the bottom led me here and on to buying my second Dragon.

    Hopefully no one will take offense to the process I am undertaking. I already have an idea on how I will repair my damaged Dragon and while not orginal, it will hopefully be interesting.

    The community here has created some very unique color schemes and I hope that when the time comes, I’ll be up to the task.





      Welcome, I’ve sent you a PM.

      Folks, before anyone says anything about modifications mentioned, I’ve already sent a note explaining stuff.

      I figure they don’t need to get it 15 times. 🙂




        Just remember Windstones are addictive


        Welcome to the flock!


        Welcome, Wyvern! Do you perchance know which sculpt your dragon is?


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Welcome, Wyvern! Do you perchance know which sculpt your dragon is?

        It’s a PYO dragon…he sent me pics…the mods are gonna be neat.



        Thanks, Kyrin. Now I wanna see too.
        Hey, did you say “he?” We have another guy? Cool!



            Welcome!!! 😀


              Welcome! 😀


              welcome! I’m anxious to see it now too ^^ post pictures when you reach your 5th post 😀


                Welcome to the forum!!


                Thanks everyone!

                And Thank you Kyrin for the warning!

                As for my critters, at this stage, I need to wait for some confirmation on what can be altered on a production piece before I jump the gun and post some pictures (and ruffle feathers).

                I’ll probably purchase one more and just give it a top coat.

                Looks like fun stuff!

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