Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions??

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions??

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    nevermind, just read the entire auction….still misleading to use someone elses work to represent yourself IMO…


    That is misleading. Did she ask first, Water?


    There was a little bit of a misunderstanding I think, about photo useage, and I got a little shock when I saw them posted up there at first but I did contact her on it and told her now to spell out my name in full to MAKE SURE people know they are my own paint jobs and not her own, and these are just samples. Taking the photos down at this point would probably damage the auction’s chances of a bid, which started this whole thing anyway since I had contacted her to tell her that she did indeed need photos to get her auctions seen, and I don’t want to hurt feelings. Then again, a bidder may get angry if they pay for a job that has my level of detail and she doesn’t put that in. This is kinda a touchy situation. I always try to help out other artists though I do agree it’s not really a good thing to show someone else’s paint jobs.


    That’s nice of you to let her use them. Who knows – maybe they’ll bring you another commission?


    I would be concerned for those who bid, that they would expect such a wonderful paint job like the ones they see in the photos. 🙁 I think she should do some of her own PYOs then take photos to give examples of her work.

    It’s extremely misleading and thus the bidders might get upset.


    Having my paint jobs up and showing isn’t a bad thing, you’re right. Extra publicity for me would be great.
    I am letting her know though, to make sure to make it quite clear they are not her paint jobs. She didn’t post photos of Melody’s unpainted PYOs because of copyright issues she didn’t want to infringe on.
    I told her she could go to my DA site and check out my images of PYOs to get samples of what I’ve done with my work (as in to see my work), but somehow she thought I meant she could use them for samples in her auctions, so that’s probably where the mix-up came and I think it would hurt her more now to remove them.
    She does have painting skill though, and a few folks I spoke to said her work was awesome, so when she paints her own they should be a decent quality.


      It was quite a shock when I saw that, too. I was gonna rush over here and tell you. I think its not good buisness to show someone elses work when you are trying to sell your own. Its very misleading and has the potential to lead to dissapointment, since painting styles are very different. At least she got your permission and you get credit and a plug 🙂 I still dont think its cool of the seller, though. Its enough to make me not bid.


        Wow….gosh…that makes me nervous! A LOT of people don’t read through descriptions on ebay auctions – it’s sad, but true. It’s how many many scams succeed. So there are going to be a whole bunch of people who open up that auction, scan it and assume that those pictures are examples of her work.

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          In my oh so humble opinion, she needs to announce at the very top that these are pics of PYO’s you’ve done, not at the very tail end of her description. Plus, I don’t know when you contacted her about changing your intials, but it hasn’t been done as of the time I posted this reply…


            I just looked at the wolf auction and I dont see any mention of Watergazer. I think this situation is crap and very wrong of the seller. All she has pictured of her own work are some FEET! I really cant believe the audacity.


              Those feet things just give me the willies…


                You’re several times more generous than I, Water. I probably would have asked her to not only provide my name, but my email/website as well, or to not use my images at all.

                What if she gives out a crappy paint job and the winner of the auction thinks she’s you, somehow?

                *always the pessimist*


                  Its not even clear that the pictures posted are not hers. They just say they are copywritten to WGW. She talks about “We” and “us” so it is really misleading as to who the pics belong to.

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