Hey Nirvana…Your entrance to the forum…

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      I was wondering if anyone had heard from them… Hope they’re ok…


        I am sure they are fine. Nirvana has taken breaks before. We should leave them about a billion threads to catch up on 😈 😈 πŸ˜›




            gryphondreamer wrote:

            from the looks on ebay, then and now, where does she keep all this stuff?

            I think she keeps it in her bosom. I have snuck around her house and found nothing. πŸ™


              ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

              I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

              Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

              As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*


                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

                I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

                Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

                As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*

                we had the tornadoes and hail here…..

                and you were so close I could have gone and harrassed you in person…


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

                  I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

                  Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

                  As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*

                  we had the tornadoes and hail here…..

                  and you were so close I could have gone and harrassed you in person…

                  You should have! =P We would have sold you fuzzy manacles 😈 and boots…and vambraces….and a baldric…and…:lol:


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    frozendragon wrote:

                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

                    I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

                    Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

                    As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*

                    we had the tornadoes and hail here…..

                    and you were so close I could have gone and harrassed you in person…

                    You should have! =P We would have sold you fuzzy manacles 😈 and boots…and vambraces….and a baldric…and…:lol:

                    um…not so much the only words I recognize there were boots and fuzzy…..and that doesn’t sound like a good combination …. 😯


                      ROFL manacles=leather handcuffs baldric=over the shoulder sword belt vambraces=bracers for your forearms =P

                      Hope you survived the storms all right!


                        frozendragon wrote:

                        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                        frozendragon wrote:

                        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                        ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

                        I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

                        Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

                        As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*

                        we had the tornadoes and hail here…..

                        and you were so close I could have gone and harrassed you in person…

                        You should have! =P We would have sold you fuzzy manacles 😈 and boots…and vambraces….and a baldric…and…:lol:

                        um…not so much the only words I recognize there were boots aqnd fuzzy…..and that doesn’t sound like a good combination …. 😯

                        I knew exactly what she was talking about πŸ˜‰


                        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                        ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

                        I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

                        Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

                        As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*

                        We are living with my folks, cause I am in school and in lots of debt. Fortunately they are able to help, but we need to get out ASAP!


                          starbreeze wrote:

                          I knew exactly what she was talking about πŸ˜‰

                          Its always the ones you never suspect. 😯


                            *attempts to look innocent, fails.*

                            They’re not actually particularly kinky in origins. Just in modern usage. *grin*


                              skigod377 wrote:

                              starbreeze wrote:

                              I knew exactly what she was talking about πŸ˜‰

                              Its always the ones you never suspect. 😯

                              scary isn’t it….


                              Phil the Dragon wrote:

                              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                              ROFLMAO I still get a kick going back and reading all that! Of course I forgive everyone!! I swear it was sooooo hillarious!

                              I don’t think anyone will crash land in quite that way again, and if they do, I’ll be there with the bombadier net πŸ˜†

                              Sorry to not post in a while, Louis and I were in Oklahoma for a huge Renn Faire in Norman…..We got rained out the first day (Fri) with “imminent golf ball sized hail and tornadoes” that never showed up….and then it was sunny and beautiful on Sat and Sun. We flew out Thurs, and got home last night.

                              As to where I keep all the Windstones…..that’s my secret ;). Hehehe…actualy they are pretty much all in boxes untill we get our own place πŸ˜• Which won’t be for a little while yet, I’ll let Louis go into the details if he wants. *waits for crucification*

                              We are living with my folks, cause I am in school and in lots of debt. Fortunately they are able to help, but we need to get out ASAP!
                              Welcome back. I hope you had a nice fun trip.

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