HEY! Dragoness!!! Where Ya At???

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      Congrats on your own forum. Guess that means you gotta start coming around a bit more, hu? 😆 How are you and how are things going?



          Congrats on being IT! 😀


            Yoo hoo!!!! Dragoness!!! Come out!! Come out!!! Wherever you are!!!! 😆


            Congrats, dragoness! Yeah, how are things with work now?


              The pressure’s on, sista! 😆


                She must be in hiding! 😆


                yay, congrats Dragonessjade 🙂


                Congrats, Dragoness! What have you been doing lately?


                Your guys are silly 😆 . As I said in the other post I was surprised. I will try to come around more. Well, work has still been crazy and I am still looking for a new job. I put in one application, but I haven’t heard from them. I definately don’t like the direction that work is going and I do have to find something soon. I recently purchased a new camera for my birthday because mother and father helped me get it. [url]http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11239892&whse=BC&Ne=4000000&eCat=BC|79|83|76620&N=4026418&Mo=1&pos=8&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=76620&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC10604-Cat83&topnav=[/url]. Anyone know much about it? I want to start to take photography classes so I figured that I should get a better camera. And now I can take better pics of my Windstones. My friend/bf’s band are doing more shows and I am the photographer/promotion manager (as my friend calls me). Here are a couple of their websites (my bf doesn’t have a pic on there yet, but I am working on it):
                http://www.katalystofdisaster.com/ and http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=148987043 My friend Amber is the one that introduced me to Nightwish and a whole lot of metal bands.

                Earlier this year my aunt was diaganosed with breast cancer. So my sister and I ganged up and cut off 10 inches of hair so we could donate it to a breast cancer site in honor of my aunt. Apprantely it takes about 6 pony tails to make up one wig. At first we were thinking about chopping off our hair and then finding a place to make a wig so my aunt could wear it, but I was told that it would cost $700 to make one and plus we didn’t have enough hair. I think it is a little too short, but it will grow back in about a year to the lenght that I want. It took me 3 years to grow it out down to my bottom.

                Also, I don’t know if I told you guys, but I got my first tattoo (a gift from my bf) in December. I really like it except for one part and getting a hold of the artist to do a touch up is a pain in the rear. I scheduled a appointment and waited for 2 months to tell me that I had to reschedule in another 2 months and again they called and wanted me to wait another 2 months. I am pretty bummed about it because I wanted him to do another tattoo but I don’t know if I want to go back because of the crappy customer service. I asked another artist at another place how much it would take to get it how I want it and they said $50 (I think it is pretty expensive considering what I want done). So should I go back and have the original artist do it for free or should I just find someone else?

                Grr, I can’t get the links to work…guess you will have to copy and paste them. 😳

                Anyway, sorry so long. Thanks guys.


                  Yay!!!! It’s you finally!!!! 😀 Thanks for the update. I hope you find a new job soon.

                  I’m very sorry to hear about your Aunt (hugs). 🙁 That was great of you to donate your hair. I’m sure she appreciates it.

                  As for the tattoo, if you can stand waiting a little longer, I’d still try to get it fixed for free. Set yourself a reasonable time frame and if it isn’t fixed by then, consider paying someone else. But, in the meantime I’d keep bugging the first place. 😉


                  What’s the tattoo of, dragoness? I think you told us before, but I can’t remember.


                    starbreeze wrote:

                    Yay!!!! It’s you finally!!!! 😀 Thanks for the update. I hope you find a new job soon.

                    I’m very sorry to hear about your Aunt (hugs). 🙁 That was great of you to donate your hair. I’m sure she appreciates it.

                    As for the tattoo, if you can stand waiting a little longer, I’d still try to get it fixed for free. Set yourself a reasonable time frame and if it isn’t fixed by then, consider paying someone else. But, in the meantime I’d keep bugging the first place. 😉


                    It’s good to hear from you:)


                      Re: the tattoo… what are you needing changed/fixed?

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                        Re: Tattoo
                        Here, I’ve been told that most artists prefer not touch up or add on to another artists work. we got informed of this when inquiring about Males need/desire to get his fading current work renewed, as well as in regards to his desire to add to it to commemorate Khym, But they’d have no problem with me since I didn’t already have something done, so it wasn’t because they didn’t have room for a new customer. And we got told this at several places.

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