Here we go again…..Updated 5/13

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      Oi! Lots and lots of good luck! *hugs*


        lamortefille wrote:

        Oi! Lots and lots of good luck! *hugs*

        Ditto from me!!


          Well, off I go for my “shock therapy”. 😮 See ya all later.


          Good luck! Hope they can come up with something to help you. 🙂


            Good luck I hope you get over all his and return to a more normal life soon


              I’m finally back home. Boy, things did not go as planned. We got to the cardiology lab in plenty of time. They got me all hooked up to the monitors, got an IV in and then we waited. Then the nurse that was going to put me under came in, said nothing, then left. Then the doctor comes in and says I’m to high risk and they have to send me to the hospital to do this. What? 😕 They couldn’t figure this out sooner?? I was not a happy camper. 😡 So they unhook everything, I get dressed and we go to the hospital, get admitted, and wait. Finally they come get me and we start all over again. And wait.

              Bottom line, it went well, but longer than expected. They had to shock me 3 times before it worked. But it did work. 😀 In the mean time, on Wednesday, I got the results of my last sleep study. I’m doing better, but my oxygen levels are still too low, so they have added oxygen to my machine. This is hopefully temporary. With my heart in normal rhythm, it should be moving oxygen better, but for now the added oxygen will make it easier. Kind of works hand in hand.

              It’s been a long day. I’m beat. But at least we are finally seeing improvement!


                I’m sure they were doing what they thought best, but man, what a nuisance! 😡 I’m very glad things are showing improvement. 😀


                Glad to hear things are heading in the right direction! 🙂


                  Crap. As if I didn’t already have enough going on, I found out today that I’m diabetic. 🙁


                  I’m so sorry. I’m sure things seem overwhelming right now but you can have a normal life and be diabetic. My sister and brother-in-law are both diabetic but they manage with food and pills not insulin. I hope the doctors get your condition under control as soon as possible. I will be sending positive thoughts and energy your way. *hugs*


                    Thank you. I’m hoping I’ll be able to deal with it that way too. I’ll know more next week. Right now I do feel a bit over whelmed, but I know that it can be delt with. Thanks for the support. I really need it right now.


                    Hang in there. If you can manage the diabetes, that should take care of a lot of the problems you’ve been having, and it IS manageable. Good luck.


                      Hugs hun. We’re here for you. 😀


                        When it rains it pours! Like you don’t have enough to deal with already. I sincerely hope that your doctors get your issues under control and you start feeling better soon. It certainly isn’t any fun being sick and not being able to breathe and your heart beating to its own tune and now you’re a dietabetic! Hugs to you [gently]!


                          Big hugs! You’ll pull through; just make sure to vent when you need to.

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