
Here There Be……Real Dragons!

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    I haven’t been as active on the forum for a while, especially because the last year. I have been raising a beautiful pair of “Real” Dragons. They are time consuming and as bad as children. But they are really neat pets.
    They actually come when you call them…..hehehe




    oooh those are cool!! what makes them so difficult to take care of?


    oooo, ive always wanted to get a bearded dragon 😆 I really like the colors on Diablo, and Ash is chubby and absolutely adorable ^_^ squeek* chubby things are cute :E….


      Very cool. I’d love to have one but I don’t think my cats would.


      daydreamer wrote:

      oooh those are cool!! what makes them so difficult to take care of?

      Thanks, I am proud that they turned out so pretty.

      They aren’t difficult, just time consuming. Regular bathing to make sure they get enough to stay well hydrated, veggies and insects every day. Unlike a snake they need to be fed daily and they need you to spend time with them so they will be social. I also spent a lot of money on them and their cages, lights and setup, so I wasn’t spending on Windstones. Insects are expensive, who knew?

      I should have also added that I rescue dogs, and currently I have 9 dogs, 3 cats, 5 sugar gliders and 2 hedgehogs in addition to the dragons….so I spend a lot of time caring for critters and not so much on the internet. But, it has been totally worth it!


        It’s good to see you back!!
        I LOVE both of your new additions!!


        They’re gorgeous! Do you mind if I try to do some drawings from your photos?


        Kyrraven wrote:

        They’re gorgeous! Do you mind if I try to do some drawings from your photos?

        You are welcome to use them, my photobucket account has lots of animal pictures….and better pictures of them. Its keschete on photobucket.


          Those dragons are neat I don’t think I have ever seen one before.


          darjeb wrote:

          Those dragons are neat I don’t think I have ever seen one before.

          Thanks, they are Bearded Dragons, and I am such a Dragon fanatic! When I found out I could own REAL dragons, I had to have them.

          There are quite a few lizards in the Agama family that are called dragons. I would really love a Frilled Dragon, like on Jurassic Park, but they need a really tall enclosure. I am thinking about buying some Neon Tree Dragons, because they stay small. Chinese Water Dragons are cute too!

          I admit, I have a problem :shrug:


            Not a problem as far as I can see!!


            It’s nice to see you again, Kaya. How do you find time for all those animals?


              So that’s what you’ve been up to this past year! I know I’ve been busy and lacking in emailing *bad little siberakh*

              Your babies are very stunning. Diablo with his coloration is quite the looker! I think he’s my favorite. 🙂

              You have a dragon problem? Never! 😳 😉

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