Help with Model Horse Touch Ups

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        I already talked to purplecat about my recent dilema with a new model horse I got the other day… since she collects the same kind as me.

        Anyway, I wanted to get a few other opinions about it. I just got this Arabian model… and he wasn’t very cheap. He is so beautiful, except for an eartip and hoof rub. I don’t live show my models… but am ultra picky about stuff like this. And it bothers me that they are there. The company that made him offered to fix him up if I send him back. I’m just having a hard time getting myself to send it in… and waiting another month before I can get him back. I admit… I have very little patience when it comes to stuff like this. 🙄

        I was thinking about trying to touch up the paint myself. They are very minor rubs on the one eartip, and edge of a hind hoof. I’m pretty good at matching paint… and don’t think it will be too difficult. But I’m not sure of what kind of paint to use. I guess acrylic. Does anyone else out there paint model horses or do touch ups on them? Can you recommend a certain brand of paint? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks! 😀


          I forgot to ask…are his ears and hoofs dark in color or light? It would be much easier to touch them up if they’re dark. 😀


          travistie wrote:

          I just got this Arabian model… and he wasn’t very cheap. He is so beautiful, except for an eartip and hoof rub. … The company that made him offered to fix him up if I send him back. I’m just having a hard time getting myself to send it in… and waiting another month before I can get him back. I admit… I have very little patience when it comes to stuff like this. 🙄

          It’s not a Stone, is it ? I definitely wouldn’t send it back. no, it’d be longer than a month

          Most of the painters I know use regular acrylic paints, usually Liquitex I think. Like purplecat asked, is it dark or light-hooved ?


            Well, the eartip is dark… but the one hoof that has the other rub is natural colored. He has 2 dark hooves, and 2 natural colored hooves. It figures that the rub would have to be on one of the light ones. 🙄

            The eartip is a charcoal grey color… and would need just a touch of burnt umber to match. The hoof will be a little tricky. I’m gonna do lots of test paint mixtures on another surface to make sure I get the colors to match as closely as possible, and to see what kind of sheen they get. I’ll try Liquitex, and a few other brands I have. The rub on the hoof is very small when you look at him. It always appears bigger in my mind when I think about it though. I’m really thinking about this a lot. Cause like I said… I’m very picky and certain stuff has to be perfect, or it’ll bother me till it’s fixed.

            This is a Peter Stone model. He is one of the most expensive ones I’ve bought so far…. and really don’t want to mess him up. But, am reluctant to send him back. I called them yesterday about it, and the guy said that it could take 6-8 weeks to finish cause they do repairs in batches. Then they got model horse shows this weekend and in early November… so that delays it too. What a pain! 😡

            I also don’t want to send him back, cause I’m worried about more paint rubs happening while he’s being shipped back to me. They use UPS… and now UPS guys just leave stuff at the door. I’m gonna be out of town for almost a week for the Thanksgiving holiday, and another week in early December. I don’t want it just sitting there while I’m gone. I live in an apartment complex too. I was home when the guy delivered it the other day… cause I heard him drop it outside the door. It was a loud smack! I was upset to find that it was a PS box that made that sound.

            Man, I typed a lot about this! You can tell I’m too worried about it! Sorry, I just love my horsies 😆


            I was afraid it was a Stone. Not that I’ve had the experience of it, but people I know have sent items for repair, and they were returned in worse shape. Of course, there have been a few times when someone got something better 😮 but I wouldn’t take the risk.

            If the eartip is charcoal, maybe burnt umber with just a little something to give it a grey cast. Straight burnt umber might be too brown.

            For shell hooves, I’d suggest starting with a Soft White – not Titanium or any other bright white – then adding a tiny amount of Raw Sienna. In other brands, something that is flesh or peach colored. Of course, if you’ve done more painting, you probably know better than me LOL

            good luck, hope you can touch him up


              Yeah, I would paint the eartip mainly charcoal gray with just a touch of the burnt umber. The hoof is flesh toned for the most part… so I’ll play around with the color to get the closest match before applying it to the hoof.

              I don’t know why I even order models directly from PS anymore. I can’t ever win! The last model I got from them had lots of little hairs stuck in the finish.

              Well, I’m definitely not sending this one back. I’m determined to fix him up. Thanks for tips!


                Hair? Eeeewww! Most of the Stones I have are from ebay or individual sellers at breyerfest (the hotel swap). It helps sooo much to be able to check them over at breyerfest, it’s my favorite way to get new ones! Good luck on touching him up, post pics! 😀


                  The hairs in the finish are a result of a circulation problem with their new building. But still… you’d think they could find some sort of way to fix that! People have been complaining, and I think that’s one of the reasons why there won’t be anymore dealer special runs. Dealers are forking out a lot of money for these special models, and a good chuck of them end up not being worth what they cost because of problems like that. The dealers end up having to sell the left over flawed ones at discounted prices to try and make up for it. It’s crazy. 🙄


                    😯 😯 😯 Talk about poor customer service!! 😯 😯 😯

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