Help finding wings for Renaissance faire?

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    I have a dilemma-
    KC, Chloe, and I might be able to go to the Minnesota Renaissance Faire a week or two from today. I thought that I’d buy Chloe a renaissance dress with faerie wings to wear as well as wear for Halloween this year. This is the dress I bought: (Peach colored one), but I am now having trouble finding 2T sized wings to go with that dress? I know how many of us are fantasy buffs here :D, and so I was hoping if someone could point me to an online store that sells them for cheap. Thank you!



      pm’d ya!

      twindragonsmum :hi:



      Have fun! I was there just last weekend πŸ™‚

      They do sell wings at the Fair, but I doubt they’re cheap. :nea:


      Adaneth wrote:

      Have fun! I was there just last weekend πŸ™‚

      They do sell wings at the Fair, but I doubt they’re cheap. :nea:

      How cool! This will be the first time I have ever been there, and I am uber excited considering that it looks so big (on the net) compared to the one that we have here! What’s it like?!?!
      I responded to your PM TDM!


      Well, I’ve never been to another one, so I can’t compare, but I just love how huge and gorgeous the grounds are. Flowers everywhere, beautiful buildings, and so many artisans–particularly potters. I got to watch some glassblowing too this time.

      I uploaded a bunch of photos for a coworker of mine who was curious. You can see them here. πŸ™‚

      It really is a lot of fun, and I find the costumes people come in to be half of the enjoyment. πŸ™‚


      I love the photos! Are there any shops (besides the one in your pics-I WILL check that out!) or events that you would recommend that I see? I browsed the website, but the scheduling of events for the weekend I want to attend is not up yet. πŸ˜• What is YOUR favorite part of the faire? πŸ™‚


        Dunno if you still need a set of wings, but I have a wholesaler’s license to a huge decorating supply warehouse and they have some adorable wings. There’s the regular cutesy bright color ones, and ones that look like butterfly wings. I can get them for so cheap you might as well get like 6 colors, I seriously think they’re about $5 apiece. Let me know if you’re interested πŸ™‚


        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        I love the photos! Are there any shops (besides the one in your pics-I WILL check that out!) or events that you would recommend that I see? I browsed the website, but the scheduling of events for the weekend I want to attend is not up yet. πŸ˜• What is YOUR favorite part of the faire? πŸ™‚

        Glad you liked them! I like to just wander around and look at the artisans and artist’s booths (Ruth Thompson, Sandra of ‘Windwolf Studio,’ L.A. Williams–I don’t know if you know their work, but they all have booths there). I’ll catch dancing or musical demonstrations if I happen to walk by at the right time, and I love the parade though I somehow missed it this year, but I really don’t sit down for the comedy routines, though I enjoyed a juggler last year.

        They have a petting zoo and a place where the Herpetological Society has lots of turtles out, and snakes to pet if your daughter isn’t scared of them. πŸ™‚ Really, there’s no way to catch everything, and a well-nigh endless variety of things to enjoy.


          Here are some sites for anyone interested in attending Ren Faires. The first one is just for the magazine, an overall comprehensive magazine with all sorts of information about Ren Faires across the country including vendors and venues and costumes. The second site is on but is a complete list of the faires for the year. Enjoy!


            Thanks for those links Cat. Let’s me get a better look at what ren faires there are in my area since I’ve moved and the faire I was going to previously is a lot farther away now.


              glad I could help =)


              chrisherself wrote:

              Dunno if you still need a set of wings, but I have a wholesaler’s license to a huge decorating supply warehouse and they have some adorable wings. There’s the regular cutesy bright color ones, and ones that look like butterfly wings. I can get them for so cheap you might as well get like 6 colors, I seriously think they’re about $5 apiece. Let me know if you’re interested πŸ™‚

              Thank you for the offer, but Twindragonsmum beat you to it! However… they sell adult sized wings? πŸ™‚ If those are relatively cheap, then I might be interested! After looking at wings for Chloe, I thought….boy, I would like wings too! πŸ˜†

              Thank you for those links Nirvanacat! I was curious as to whether or not there were more Ren faires around me, so I will browse. πŸ™‚

              Crimson Vision

                eaglefeather831 wrote:

                However… they sell adult sized wings? πŸ™‚ If those are relatively cheap, then I might be interested! After looking at wings for Chloe, I thought….boy, I would like wings too! πŸ˜†

                What colors and price range are you looking for? I have *ALOT* of costume bookmarks I would be happy to browse. πŸ˜‰


                Crimson Vision wrote:

                eaglefeather831 wrote:

                However… they sell adult sized wings? πŸ™‚ If those are relatively cheap, then I might be interested! After looking at wings for Chloe, I thought….boy, I would like wings too! πŸ˜†

                What colors and price range are you looking for? I have *ALOT* of costume bookmarks I would be happy to browse. πŸ˜‰

                Well, I have a white dress that I will be wearing. I am not sure what price range to expect to find-if there are any for about 50 dollars or so, that would be good, but like I said, I don’t know what prices to expect. For the colors, I would not be fond of black or brown or red. I don’t think that would look good with the white dress. Hmmmm…..any other colors would be fine. πŸ™‚ If I do buy myself wings, I wouldn’t be able to have them for the ren faire this year, but I could wear them next year. It would be very neat to have a set of wings! πŸ™‚

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