Help Draco to quit smoking!

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      OK. No smoking = more Windstones (because you’ll have extra money, see?)

      Also, if you smoke, your Windstones will smell like smoke. Even if you smoke outside, because it gets trapped in your clothes and hair and comes back in the house/apartment with you. Hopefully, those are good incentives for you. 😀

      Good luck with your sister (and mom?)!


        You have to decide that you want to quit. I agree with emerald, saved money from smokes=windstones 😀

        My parents used to smoke and started putting the money they would have used to buy smokes in a jar and wound up with enough for the down payment on their house! For them that was enough incentive!

        Good Luck with the family!


        Good luck with your sister.


          Dracomancer wrote:

          that would actually effect me more if i actually valued my life more then i do lol

          c’mon dude, your life is precious, without you the world would be emptyer, never underestimate yourself, think “SECRET” you get what you ask for, just be careful what you ask for, appreciate life and life appreciates you, think about it, quit smoking when you’re ready and not a second sooner


 sister was actually nice to me and cried when she saw me because she missed me so much..we had a fun day of just hanging dmy mother is taking me my gf and my sis whale watching friday


          Oh good. Now see all that worry over nothing. 🙂


            it’s never nothing, just a different interpertation, some seem good for people and aren’t neccesairily, just makes them see what they lack, not what they have

            some say “I have a great family, too bad I’m one of them, I´m not as good as they are”
            while they should be thinking “I have a great family, I´m lucky I have them, we make a great team alltogether


            Okay, I guess I should have said, it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be right? I’m happy that the meeting went well.

            Sorry, I’m not operating on much sleep right now. I seem to be saying the wrong things today. I’ll be better when this weekend is over.


              Are you okay? I know you have a lot to deal with… 🙁


                That’s good news, Draco. 😀

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