
Help!!! Anyone want boxes, packing peanuts?

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Help!!! Anyone want boxes, packing peanuts?

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    I also want to Thank You! I’ll let you know when I get them.


    Thank you both, drgnlvr and DM, for taking the time to do this for us! DM, when you sort through the boxes, I could use two emperor boxes (Jasmine has first dibs, though, since she asked first), two Male boxes, a Male and Baby Kirin box (frozen has first dibs, he asked first), and some others, please, if you don’t mind. I can replace the boxes I threw away when I didn’t know any better.



    Have you white Dragons boxes ?


      Hey there. Do you still have the boxes? I could take some off your hands. 😀


        Thanks, Drgnlvr 🙂


          I sent you payment for my male box a few weeks ago, but I haven’t heard from you or gotten the box. I’ve pm’d you several times. Could I please get either my box or my money back?

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


          It was mailed on June 20, you should be getting it soon. I apologize for the delay.
          If anyone is interested, I still have one grand unicorn box that is still here, if anyone wants it, please PM me. The rest of the boxes are with DM now. Just to let you know, as I stated before, I bought my kirins years ago, like 20 years, and I didn’t have any boxes for male or female kirins. No emperors, male griffins, OW’s. There are some oriental suns, and lots of small boxes, like baby kirins, hatchers, curls, etc. Those and the rest you will have to check with DM. OK? Good!


          Ok, unicorn box has been spoken for. There may be another box become available if the person that wanted it doesn’t want it anymore. If that happens, I will post it, if I don’t, then it isn’t available. Thanks!!! 😀
          Will “mary ward” please pm me? Thanks!


            Received my box. Thanks!


              my box arrived. Thank you. 🙂

              Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
              Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
              Sun Dragon Koi #3

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