
Help!!! Anyone want boxes, packing peanuts?

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      I just wanted to make sure you recieved my PM, since I haven’t recieved a reply from you at all…



        I need a Scratcher box and a Female Kirin box if you have one. I’d also take a male Kirin box.

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


        I could use an Emperor box if you have one left.


        Yes, I did and I’m sorry I haven’t replied to the PM’s or the posts. I am working on sorting, packing,measuring, weighing, getting shipping charges, getting clarification on some of the requests, labeling, addresses, etc. I also work fulltime, so I can’t work on the project as much as I would like to. I’m very anxious to finish this, so my granddaughter and her B/F have come up twice from Placerville( about 2 1/2 hours away) to help me with this. (she is saving up for a truck, so she is willing to help) They are coming up on the Memorial Day weekend again, so I hope we can finish this, which we might be able to do most of it. As soon as I get a little further along, I will post a status report. I haven’t forgotton about you! 🙂 Margaret


        If you happen to have a scratcher dragon box (even, if i’m so lucky, a peacock scratcher?) I’d take the box full o’ peanuts.

        let me know please. 🙂


        No hurry. At least not for me. 😀


          😀 Hi there,I would like to have two or three “male” boxes if available,a brown and a peacock if possible.Please pm me whenever you can get around to it,thanx 😀

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          Ok, I have mailed out 26 boxes of boxes as of this morning. Aside from the shipping costs which were paid by the people who wanted them, it cost me a lot of time to sort, identify who wanted what, weigh, measure, calculate, pm for the paypal money, pack, and get them to the PO. as well as dealing with the people who changed their minds in addition to paying people to help maintain 15 lists and keep things straight and help me with all this. I had NO IDEA what a big project this was going to be!! Of course I had over 173 boxes to contend with. I have quite a few boxes left that no one asked for. Many are the same size and some are obscure, like the bear and the tiger and the armadillp, etc. So DragonMaster is going to take the rest of them to his house in Lodi, California and I get my box room back!!! Yea for me!!!!! So if any of you want boxes, you can contact him for good sturdy Windstone boxes!!!
          Thank you for taking them off my hands and being patient with me! I know it took a long time, but I also work fulltime and I just couldn’t do it any faster. I hope they are useful to you! I just couldn’t throw them out when I knew other people wanted them and I intensely dislike throwing out boxes anyway!! You never know when you might need a box and nothing else will do!!!
          The box project is OVER!!! Free at Last!!!! Thanks!! 😆 😀 😈 😆 :yes: :yes: :yes:


            Thank you so much, I’ll let you know when mine get here!! 😉


              Gee thanks for ratting me out for taking them off your hands!!
              They will be out in my garage for now and I will try to get an accurate list of them when I can as Drgnlvr stated we have MANY other things going on in our lives right now. 2 jobs and a horrible commute for me but I also HATE to see good Windstone boxes go to waste. I’m not sure if I can get them all in one trip but I will get what I can
              I had to rent a truck to get the display case I’m picking up tomorrow from her so I can only fit what I can in the reamining room on the truck

              I hope my SK’s will fit in this display case it’s the main reason I’m getting it


                Well if either of you have a male and female ki-rin box I could use one.. I can’t seem to find the ones I had


                And I still need an Emperor box if you have a spare.


                  I just talked to Margaret and I think she said she only has like 40 boxes left and I do not remember any Kyrin’s in her collection sorry Frozen but I will try and see when I get to go thru them
                  I will try and post an updated list when I get them all home

                  She did confirm that the display case I’m getting WILL be big enough to fit all 3 of my Sk’s so I feel better about that now. The glass shelf broke and she has not been able to get a new one as of yet so this little dieplay case is costing me a pretty penny for a 2 day truck rental, gas, glass, rope, new blanket since I forgot to bring one with me 🙄


                    it’s ok if they aren’t there.. I thought I had some but can’t find them.. but if there are some it’d be great


                    I do have Ki-rins, but I bought them years ago and I know I don’t have the boxes for the male and female. I bought some of the test paint babies, though, and I might have some of those. I have 2 boxes of small boxes and there might be some in there. I’m pretty sure the rest of the boxes will fit into the truck if we fit them in closely.
                    I’ve been working on rearranging all the Windstones to accommodate the new display cases. I have a small collection of Swarovski crystal pieces that I can’t find right now that will go into the cases when I do find them and 6 or 7 other small pieces that I got at the collector shop where I bought the display cases. I got an owl, a polar bear and cub, a hare and tortoise piece, a small jeweled elephant, and another small elephant. Those are the only pieces that aren’t Windstone in the cabinets. I’m going to learn to post pictures over the summer, so I can show you the collection. (I know I can learn to do this! I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!!! :yes: 🙄 :shout: :twisted:) (and learn to operate my GPS, and my bluetooth, and my camera, and digital photoframe, and my phone, and…!!) AND!!! My boxroom is now my record room, not the boxroom any more!!! Vinyl records, that is! I have 8 boxes of them to convert to CD’s, my next project after the next next project which is to take an inventory. I don’t ever seem to run out of projects!!! 😀 😆

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