Hello Santa

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    All I want for Christmas is to be surrounded by all whom I love.

    And maybe a kirin family?? 😀


    All I want fo’ Cwithmath ith mah too fwont teeth, too fwont teeth…
    Nevermind, I found ’em.


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      All I want fo’ Cwithmath ith mah too fwont teeth, too fwont teeth…
      Nevermind, I found ’em.

      GB, it’s too early to get into the eggnog…

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas

      GB started it 😈


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      All I want for Christmas is to be surrounded by all whom I love.

      And maybe a kirin family?? 😀

      Things have a way of working out. I could save some time and leave you a bunch of shiny golden horns. Attach to you loved one’s forheads… instant kirin family. Santa thinks this is an easier solution. My elves are not very good at painting Windstones. Ho Ho Ho!


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      All I want fo’ Cwithmath ith mah too fwont teeth, too fwont teeth…
      Nevermind, I found ’em.

      Oh good, you found them! I don’t get it, every year I hear people asking for this, and yet I get complaints when they wake Christmas morn’ with a bow stuck to their face…

      There just is no pleasing some folk.


      khat7 wrote:

      I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas

      GB started it 😈


      This is another one I don’t understand. All these people asking for hippos! Do you have any idea how hard these guys are to load onto a sleigh? Not to mention mean! You’re more likely to get taken out by a hippo than any other animal if you visit Africa… took out two elves last year *mumblegrumble*…


      Santa wrote:

      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      All I want for Christmas is to be surrounded by all whom I love.

      And maybe a kirin family?? 😀

      Things have a way of working out. I could save some time and leave you a bunch of shiny golden horns. Attach to you loved one’s forheads… instant kirin family. Santa thinks this is an easier solution. My elves are not very good at painting Windstones. Ho Ho Ho!

      Haha! The perfect solution there!!

      It’s funny because I had a feeling you’d say something like that!! XD


      Santa wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      All I want fo’ Cwithmath ith mah too fwont teeth, too fwont teeth…
      Nevermind, I found ’em.

      Oh good, you found them! I don’t get it, every year I hear people asking for this, and yet I get complaints when they wake Christmas morn’ with a bow stuck to their face…

      There just is no pleasing some folk.

      A bow from Santa? That would be special. Maybe I’ll lose my front teeth again.
      Wait – maybe the bow would be pink. I’ll have to think about this.


        Now I’m going to have to mail you a pink bow, just for the reaction.


        Snapdragon wrote:

        Now I’m going to have to mail you a pink bow, just for the reaction.

        It’s not a surprise if you tell her beforehand…


          Some of my best surprises were ones that were talked about openly beforehand.


          Did you see my reaction to the pink Super Fuzzy? Multiply by 10, because I’ll be waiting in fear and trepidation for the days preceding the delivery.


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Did you see my reaction to the pink Super Fuzzy? Multiply by 10, because I’ll be waiting in fear and trepidation for the days preceding the delivery.

          I thought that was what “Return to Sender” was for 😆

          Although I think I would be equally traumitized. By the bow, not necessarily the pink. Although I think a pink clown with a bow would the the most scary in my opinion… 😆

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