Hello….newbi windstone collector here….

Home Forums Miscellany Introductory and Welcoming Area Hello….newbi windstone collector here….

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      I just wanted to say hi (well my sister told me to do this, ha) and let you know I am a big fan of all the Unicorns…and some of the dragons. I am a homeschool momma and a hockey fan, “Go Coyotes” (someone has to cheer for them). Anyways, I’ve already pm’d with some GREAT Forum Members and everyone seems very nice and extremely helpful. Thank you all, and I look forward to future trades!


      Welcome moonshine!

      Ps….I can vouch for her if she needs to be vouched!


        Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs!


          Welcome! I hope you have a great time here! πŸ˜€


            Hey there and welcome to the madhouse! So glad you found us and hope you have a great time here!

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


              Hello and welcome! Which Windstones do you have already or which are you hoping to get? I started off with getting a couple dragons, although I always collected unicorns in general so started collecting those too and then fell in love with a bunch more. Now I have Windstone dragons, unicorns, pegasus, griffins, kirins and even poads! They all grow on you fast!


                Hello and welcome! Which Windstones do you have already or which are you hoping to get? I started off with getting a couple dragons, although I always collected unicorns in general so started collecting those too and then fell in love with a bunch more. Now I have Windstone dragons, unicorns, pegasus, griffins, kirins and even poads! They all grow on you fast!

                πŸ˜€ yep,what Kim said!WELCOME!!! πŸ˜€


                  Hi there!!! πŸ™‚ A BIG WELCOME from a fellow newb. πŸ˜‰ Have a GREAT time here. :party: Your collection will grow in no time!! πŸ˜‰


                    Welcome! I love the uni’s. They’re adorable!


                    Welcome Moonshine! Prepare to catch the Windstone ‘bug’ hard, haha! I’m a fellow hockey fan myself (go Ducks! Someone’s gotta cheer for them too :D). I started out as a fan of the dragon sculpts, but I love the unis too, especially the ki-rins and Melody’s gorgeous grab bag pieces.

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