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    Here ya go
    I didn’t realize mine were taking so much space. Guess I better learn to resize πŸ™„


    Thanks for the link! You have a really nice zoo! πŸ™‚ Alf is really a cute dog,and Tsunami looks very much like our Shadow,although their color is a little different. Are any of your cats from the same litter? What’s the story behind Easter Gal being treated so badly before you rescued her?


    Easter Gal belonged to Emmanuel Lewis (Webster on TV) We met him in Fayetteville GA where he lives nine years ago. We were at the same gas station and struck up a conversation. When he found out we were looking for horses to buy he offered to give his to our daughter. She was 13 at the time. He said he just wanted her to go t a good home where she would be loved and appreciated. When we arrived at his place to pick her up it was awful. I have never seen a horse so close to death in my life. Even the bones in her neck were showing and she had purple pokeberry stains on her face from trying to eat anything she could reach. He looked ashamed and shocked when he saw her. His story was that he had developed severe allergies to the horses or something around them and had not been near them in months. He was paying someone else to care for them. The other two horses he had were already picked up when we got there or we would have taken them as well. To be fair his face had become quite swollen just while we were there. HOWEVER
    the Vet we had come out turned out to be the same Vet he had been using and she had given him two notices that he was going to be turned in for animal cruelty before we got Easter. It took us over a year to get the weight back on her and it was another two before she began to act like a normal horse. She was just so beaten down and dispirited when we got her. We bought Scout a few weeks after we got Easter. He was both her companion and a horse for me πŸ˜‰ All this before we had cleared land or put fences up. πŸ˜† We have friends who train horses and we kept them there until we were set up here.
    Banjo was bought from a rescue place, Lily was bought from a man we met at Breyerfest whose wife had died and he was going out of the horse business, Jasman was rescued from a “horse trader” who had beaten her and left her out with his cows. They ran her into a barbed wire fence and he decided she was more trouble than she was worth. We still paid 250.00 for her.
    That is the brief version on the horses πŸ˜† I’ll start another post for the cats πŸ˜€


    aarddragon wrote:

    Here ya go
    I didn’t realize mine were taking so much space. Guess I better learn to resize πŸ™„


    Thanks for the link! You have a really nice zoo! πŸ™‚ Alf is really a cute dog,and Tsunami looks very much like our Shadow,although their color is a little different. Are any of your cats from the same litter? What’s the story behind Easter Gal being treated so badly before you rescued her?

    BTW Do you raise Arabs? Or just love the breed? πŸ˜‰

    Picasso and Mozart are siblings and Tsunami is their mother.They are our GA bred cats. When we were here the first year one of the kids friends came to the house with a basket of kittens. They found them in a ditch and figured since we had so many cats (7 that moved here from MI with us) we’d know what to do with them. We found homes for them all but kept one. Our daughter talked her Dad into it. πŸ˜€ Before she was spayed she had one litter. Meantime we had lost two cats to the neighbors dogs and one simply died of old age. We kept the two kittens. We had seven cats at a time for years. Not planned exactly lol. A few years ago my husband decided no more replacing of cats so now we are down to five. Two are the original MI cats πŸ˜€ Mocha and Hobbit

    Alf is an Akita Chow mix and I tell people he’s my CaDog. He was raised in the house with the cats πŸ˜†
    and being an Akita has a lot of cat like traits


    Welcome to the forums!!! πŸ˜€


    BTW Do you raise Arabs? Or just love the breed? πŸ˜‰

    No,we don’t raise them,although we thought we might like to try to at one time. We finally decided that we didn’t really have time and had more than enough critters already,so it’d be better to just ride and have fun with the horses that we already had! Actually,we got into the whole horse-ownership thing by accident πŸ™‚ We liked Arabs and were at a show (just looking) and these people had a very friendly 4-year old gelding with a beautiful head and eyes for sale at an unbelievably reasonable price. I noticed that,on his pedigree,his paternal great-grandfather was desert-bred,which is something you don’t really see anymore,so we bought him–although we didn’t have a place to keep him! Like you,we had to board him with friends while we fenced in an empty field and built a small barn. Between all that, and having to move him over to a training facility for a few months (since he had barely been put under saddle),it was something like 7-8 months before we were able to bring him home. Then,having taken the first impractical big step, acquiring more horses didn’t seem that big of a deal,so we wound up buying two of his younger sisters as a weanling and a yearling (since we liked him so much),and we bought Sharanna because she was very gentle and calm–a former 4H horse. My daughter graduated to her so my son could start learning on our Shetland pony. We had another Arab that passed away about two years ago that we took in and gave a retirement home.The people who owned her were going to give her to this guy who went around buying up very cheap horses and ponies of all kinds,or taking freebies,and he claimed he was giving them all a good home on some property out in the boonies that he owned. However,since he was constantly advertising locally for unwanted horses, and no one ever seemed to have seen any of the horses that he acquired again,it all seemed rather suspicious,don’t you think? Anyway,we love Arabs,but I guess it was a combination of that and plain old fate that we wound up with mostly Arabs instead of anything else!:lol:
    Thanks for the backgrounds on your critters. I thought there was definitely a strong family resemblance between some of your cats πŸ˜‰ It’s really great that you were able to rescue horses that were in such bad predicaments and give them a good home! It’s really crazy how some poor horses end up. There’s a horse rescue organization here that takes in a couple horses every year that are all skin and bones. And last year they rescued a young gelding–looked like a quarter horse–that was just wandering down some backroad on Christmas Day! No one ever claimed him,apparently his former owners just turned him loose!


    Thanks for all the welcomes and happy Easter everyone! πŸ˜€


    Welcome, welcome, welcome!! And a Happy Easter to you as well!

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