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      Welcome to the forum! πŸ˜€


      skigod377 wrote:

      Welcome to the forum. I would love to see pics of your animals πŸ˜†

      You mean the horses,cats,dogs and co.? πŸ™‚
      I’ll try–I’m not too experienced at putting pics online yet. Do I post them on this forum or somewhere else?


      wolflodge100 wrote:

      Welcome! Sounds like you have a nice start on your collection, don’t worry, it will expand much faster now! πŸ˜†

      Maybe the quickly expanding collection is what I really should worry about! I really need to win the lottery! πŸ˜†


        Welcome welcome!!
        Your collection will multiply before your eyes


          WELCOME Aarddragon!


          aarddragon wrote:

          Thanks for the welcome everyone ! πŸ˜€
          Khat,what kinds of dogs,cats and horses do you have?

          Five house cats. Hobbit, Mocha, Tsunami, Mozart and Picasso. We had more LOTR cats at one time πŸ˜‰

          Four Dogs. Two labs, Sara and Sienna and Scruffy a lab mix. And of course my Dog Alf. He is an Akita Chow mix and my 75 pound lap dog πŸ˜†

          Five horses. A polish bred Arab named Jasman, an Arab/Shire – Lily, Easter Gal is a Quarterhorse/Thourghbred, Banjo the Mustang/Morgan and a Tri-colur Tennessee Walker named Scout. There are pictures of all of them posted in the pets section.

          I also have four kids, two kids in law and a husband πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

          I read your collection post. Looks like you’ve gotten quite a few deals Congrats πŸ˜€


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          WELCOME Aarddragon!

          Thank you! πŸ˜†


          khat7 wrote:

          aarddragon wrote:

          Thanks for the welcome everyone ! πŸ˜€
          Khat,what kinds of dogs,cats and horses do you have?

          Five house cats. Hobbit, Mocha, Tsunami, Mozart and Picasso. We had more LOTR cats at one time πŸ˜‰

          Four Dogs. Two labs, Sara and Sienna and Scruffy a lab mix. And of course my Dog Alf. He is an Akita Chow mix and my 75 pound lap dog πŸ˜†

          Five horses. A polish bred Arab named Jasman, an Arab/Shire – Lily, Easter Gal is a Quarterhorse/Thourghbred, Banjo the Mustang/Morgan and a Tri-colur Tennessee Walker named Scout. There are pictures of all of them posted in the pets section.

          I also have four kids, two kids in law and a husband πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

          How about you? Pets? Kids? I all ready red your collection post. Looks like you’ve gotten quite a few deals πŸ˜€

          I’ll bop on over to the pet section and have a look at the photos! πŸ™‚ Do you ride a lot?
          We have two Westies (Addie and Murray,my daughter’s dogs),a Jack Russell (Gromit,my eternal puppy),a Siberian Huskey (Titus,my son’s dog),and a Pomeranian (Sandflea,whom we found as a stray last summer). The horses are all Arabs. There are the three bay sibs,Razon,Dareyna,and Reshan (Polish,Blunt and Davenport breeding) and the grey,Sharranna,who is line-bred Skowronik (I think I spelled that right). The cats include Darcy (aka Purrby or Purrball) who is Siamese/Ragdoll and definitely my cat,Shadow,a tortoiseshell Domestic Short Hair that we found as a kitten,and Danny,a ginger Maine Coon kitten. And we have eleven gerbils (Ping & Pong,Trollfling,Avis II,Mikey Jr.,Muldoon,Algy,Jericho,Little Alien,Mickey,and Rufus)two bushy-tailed jirds (Frodo and Bilbo)a chinchilla named Picachu,a degu named Bop,an African Grey parrot (definitely my husband’s bird–she hates everyone else,even though I’m the one that hand-raised her and feeds her and cleans up after her!) named Beaker,two canaries named Horatio and Archie,a cockatiel named Tootles, a Pekin Robin named Brendan the Navigator,and four box turtles named Quasimodo,Stanley,Boadecia,and Sheldon. And I have two teenage kids and a husband. My kids are into Windstones too! I think that covers everyone… πŸ™‚
          Speaking of LOTR cats,we had one named Smeagol. It seemed like a good thing to name him at the time,but he wound up being the strangest creature that I’ve ever owned! πŸ˜†


            WELCOME from the Sunshine State

            Remember Windstones are addictive


            Looks like you like to pick pet names the same way we do πŸ˜† I’d love a Maine Coon cat one day. Used to have Siamese too. πŸ˜€
            Don’t get to go riding near as much as I used to. I was in a car accident a few years ago that messed up my lower back. The riding itself is actually beneficial. The grooming, groundwork and/or tacking up can wipe me out for a day. I try to spend some time with one horse a day doing something. Two of our kids have married and moved out so I have half as much help as I used to πŸ˜‰


            Well, I say this to everyone, and I’ll say it to you too:


            darjeb wrote:

            WELCOME from the Sunshine State

            Remember Windstones are addictive

            Thank you! πŸ™‚
            They sure are addictive! I’m always telling myself ‘just this one and then I’ll try to control myself for a few months’–but it never seems to work. I’ll rationalize that I can put them away for a future Christmas present or something,but they have a habit of sneaking out of the box and onto a shelf or table anyway. Or my daughter says that I can’t shut that lovely dragon or unicorn or whatever up in the closet for nine months and makes me feel guilty! πŸ˜‰


            khat7 wrote:

            Looks like you like to pick pet names the same way we do πŸ˜† I’d love a Maine Coon cat one day. Used to have Siamese too. πŸ˜€
            Don’t get to go riding near as much as I used to. I was in a car accident a few years ago that messed up my lower back. The riding itself is actually beneficial. The grooming, groundwork and/or tacking up can wipe me out for a day. I try to spend some time with one horse a day doing something. Two of our kids have married and moved out so I have half as much help as I used to πŸ˜‰

            I’m sorry to hear that you messed up your back! πŸ™
            I don’t know what I’d do if my kids weren’t around to help out. When they were smaller I used to do everything,and that’s when we had five horses and a pony. Now I can’t figure out how I ever found the time! That’s my problem–I seem to have less time every year. Maybe it’s all slipping through a hole into another dimension somewhere! πŸ˜•
            Our Maine Coon is a bit of a live wire sometimes,and he’s really,really smart. One of his nicknames is Waterbaby,because he’s always trying to get in the shower or play in the bathroom sink when you’re running water. Yesterday I was brushing him,which he doesn’t particularly like,and he stole the brush and ran away with it. I guess he was planning to hide it somewhere. πŸ™‚
            How do you get to the pet section to look at photos? I can’t seem to find my way to it 😳


            aarddragon wrote:

            khat7 wrote:

            Looks like you like to pick pet names the same way we do πŸ˜† I’d love a Maine Coon cat one day. Used to have Siamese too. πŸ˜€
            Don’t get to go riding near as much as I used to. I was in a car accident a few years ago that messed up my lower back. The riding itself is actually beneficial. The grooming, groundwork and/or tacking up can wipe me out for a day. I try to spend some time with one horse a day doing something. Two of our kids have married and moved out so I have half as much help as I used to πŸ˜‰

            I’m sorry to hear that you messed up your back! πŸ™
            I don’t know what I’d do if my kids weren’t around to help out. When they were smaller I used to do everything,and that’s when we had five horses and a pony. Now I can’t figure out how I ever found the time! That’s my problem–I seem to have less time every year. Maybe it’s all slipping through a hole into another dimension somewhere! πŸ˜•
            Our Maine Coon is a bit of a live wire sometimes,and he’s really,really smart. One of his nicknames is Waterbaby,because he’s always trying to get in the shower or play in the bathroom sink when you’re running water. Yesterday I was brushing him,which he doesn’t particularly like,and he stole the brush and ran away with it. I guess he was planning to hide it somewhere. πŸ™‚
            How do you get to the pet section to look at photos? I can’t seem to find my way to it 😳

            Here ya go
            I didn’t realize mine were taking so much space. Guess I better learn to resize πŸ™„

            *Strawberry Fyre*Jade Fyre*Fyre Garnet


              Welcome… πŸ˜€


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