Hello From BC Canada

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      Hello all. I’ve been around for around a month or so now just getting use to how things work.

      Have been reading a book series called Fire Within with my 10 year old son and it has inspired us to start a small collection of dragons. While looking, of course Windstones were the most beautiful and realistic so it was a no brainier to join here. His favs are the rainbow dragons so far. 🙂 currently he has the Hatching rainbow, a hatching gargoyle egg/Rock that I snagged at a thrift store a couple days ago and a hatching Stegosaurus I managed to find on EBay. Next will be Rainbow baby for him. You can probably assume by the list so far that he is kind of a baby lover. Very much a nurturer type.

      My 19 year old Daughter joined the group tonight after much urging from me. She is super artistic and we plan on getting some paint your own pieces in the very near future. She recently finished a 3d modeling and Design coarse at the Art Institute and has just started her first job doing motion caption for a film company here in Vancouver.

      I myself have never been very artistic although I used to paint eons ago and am being inspired by the wonderful pieces that are currently and previously available here.
      Super happy to be here. Just thought I would make it official and make a post here.



        Hello and welcome to the forum!


          Welcome to the forums. It’s a great place to be. Sounds like your son will soon be helping you send your wallet into a 12 step program. lol It’s ok, we are all in the same program! I agree Melody’s sculptures are the most beautiful and realistic there are.
          I can’t wait to see what you and your daughter paint. I really love the PYO’s the detailing on them is just beautiful. And as you can see from all the comments in the show off threads, everyone loves something different, so there is no right or wrong to painting. Just paint what you love and go with it. Even if it ends up something you aren’t happy with, chances are that someone else will love it.
          Have fun!

          Looking for:


            Hello and Welcome MM!!! :party: Sounds like your son is off to a good start with his collection. If you want to check out some other Dragons that are very detailed, I would recommend McFarlanes Dragons. They’re very cool and you wouldn’t have to take out a loan to aquire them.(LOL) Have fun here!! 8)


              Welcome. 🙂 It’s nice to “meet” you, and good luck keeping the collection small!


                Haha, welcome fellow British Columbian! 😀 Vancouver, hm? I lived there for a while (well actually North Vancouver but close enough. I was in Vancouver proper several times a week being a wild college thing though – well, I wasn’t particularly wild but I was roaming the place.) I’m in the Interior now. I found Van too expensive and I missed my family too dearly, so I came home.

                Speaking from my personal experience of having graduated university (CapU) for animation, your daughter’s going to love working on PYOs. I hope you enjoy the forum! 😀

                Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                  Welcome 🙂 I am also a fellow Canadian. I’m from Alberta. My husband was from Kelowna.

                  Celestial Rainstorm

                    Hi there! Welcome!

                    Finding happiness again.


                    Welcome to the forums, MelodiousMiMi! You and your son have good taste in dragons. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you and your daughter come up with, PYO wise.


                      Welcome to the WS forum, Happy to have you here!

                      I can’t wait to see what you and your daughter paint up on some PYOs, your daughter’s work looks amazing!!

                      *Formerly meowmix101
                      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                        Thanks MeowMix. I wish I had an ounce of her talent. 🙂 pretty sure she got it from her dad, haha.


                          Hello all.
                          Nice to see some fellow Canadians enjoying this group as much as I am. Thanks for the welcomes!!
                          Yes, I am sure it will be difficult to keep this as a small collection. I’m already anticipating what I’m going to get next. I told my husband last night that I want a gift cert for my birthday in July. Even better,he said I could have one for his birthday which is coming up next month. He’s is a keeper.
                          We are actually living a bit outside Vancouver at the moment due to how expensive the city was. Finally talked my husband into it a couple years ago and I’m so happy. I like things a bit slower. 🙂 we are currently in South Surrey pretty close to Crescent Beach. Much slower pace out here. Lots of Senior citizens which I love. They are so adorable. Still close enough for my daughter and husband to commute to work.

                          I also can’t wait to see what my daughter will come up with painting. She is uber talented. Check out her deviant art page if you like. 🙂 #superproudmom



                            Welcome to the forum! Congrats on the great Windstone finds.

                            Your daughter is so lucky! How awesome! It was my dream to get into that line of work. Alas, my options are limited. Maybe someday.


                              Thanks, Dragoneer. I’m pretty happy with my finds so far.
                              As for your dream of getting into that line of work I thoroughly believe it’s never too late. Good luck with all your artistic endeavors.


                                Hello Marianne! I only just now realized that you said you live out in the Vancouver area! I am so happy to meet you.. plus now I know that there is another member in my area. I think that is exciting!

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