
Hello and trying to keep it simple….

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      Greetings everyone! I’ve been a member of the forum for…well, a bit over three years now. And until recently I’ve been pretty quiet. Just painting the occasional PYO Windstone and posting pictures of them. Really didn’t feel much like I fit in here (though everyone here is quite nice) so didn’t think it necessary to give an introduction for myself. But since I started posting more often I figured I’d give some kind of back story so I’m not this ephemeral entity drifting around.

      Well, here goes. About me…. At the time of writing this I’m 33 and live in Georgia. Being an Army brat I’ve moved around a lot while growing up. I’ve lived in Washington state, Turkey, Georgia, California, Arizona and Netherlands (Holland).

      I’ve enjoyed fantasy and science fiction since I was a little kid. Reading, gaming (tabletop, board & video), drawing and painting are all things that I do for fun. Decorating the house and scaring kids that come for trick or treating on Halloween with my friends is something I think of as ‘good times’. As are puns (my friends don’t think so on this 😉 ). I go to the occasional Con or Ren Fair when I can scrape together enough money for it. Anime and manga are usually where any of my spare disposable income goes.

      I’m proud to be a classic female geek. I loved The Princess Bride, The Goonies, The Last Unicorn, Indiana Jones, Krull, Labyrinth, The Three Stooges, MLP, He-Man, Star Trek, Star Wars, TMNT, Clint Eastwood films and many other things when growing up. I still do! I was influenced by anime when growing up and didn’t even realize it. Watching The Little Mermaid (anime version), Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, ‘Belle and Sebastian’ and ‘Panda and the Magic Serpent’ as a child meant a lot to me. Now as an adult I’ve expanded out into further anime fandoms such as Dragonball/Z, Naruto, Slayers, Ushio & Tora, Fruits Basket…and the list goes on and on.

      I guess in some ways I never really ‘grew up’. 🙂 I mean, sure…I have adult responsibilities, a job and bills to pay…. But other than that, I’m glad I didn’t. I’m mostly happy and consider myself very fortunate even if there isn’t anything particularly special about me. I have my parents, friends and pet cats and they’re good ones (love ’em all!).

      I guess that’s enough about me. I wasn’t really sure what to say because normally I’m pretty introverted outside of my ‘real-life’ friends. Not to mention I loathe talking about myself (though the length of this makes me question that). Mm, that’s it for now. The barest basics of me anyways.


      Nice to meet you! Thanks for opening up 🙂 I’m new-ish here as well, and it’s good to know more about the people with whom I converse. I also like fantasy and sci-fi, though for me it’s mostly books (less anime.)

      Have you ever read Eragon? It’s a very good book 🙂

      [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


        As of yet, I have not read Eragon. I have heard good things about the series so I may go see if they have it at my local library. Hopefully they do.

        I actually have a mix of fantasy and sci-fi in different media. I have a lot of books (no more space on my bookshelves! ^_^;) as well as anime. 🙂

        And as long as we’re mentioning books. I have a favorite titled, ‘Dragons Can Only Rust’ by Chrys Cymri. It has a nice mix of sci-fi and fantasy elements. The main character is an android in the form of dragon. It’s a story about his self discovery and search for a soul. It has a sequel titled, ‘Dragon Reforged’. Really quite good.

        I think earlier you may have mentioned Dragonrider’s of Pern? I have read many of the books from that series when I was in middle and high school. I did enjoy the books and I do have favorites among them (Harper Hall of Pern trilogy). As I got older though I became dissatisfied with the portrayal of the queen dragon’s female riders getting so lost in their dragon’s breeding cycle that they’d become intimate with whichever rider whose dragon caught the gold dragon. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good series and well written with a great science fiction plot! I just became disappointed with that particular aspect of the story.

        Thank you for the book recommendation and taking the time to read my introduction.


        No problem! As for the queens thing, well, I kinda just skipped the human parts. 😛

        I should like to read “Dragons can Only Rust” as you mentioned. I’m always on the lookout for new books.

        [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


        Hello !

        Nice introduction 😉 I myself am also a newbie to the forum, and I also dont feel like I fit in here much. Oh, and I also consider myself a female geek, although I think since Im older our choice in certain shows differ. I do enjoy most of the shows you mentioned, but I do prefer Bruce Lee over Clint Eastwood, lol! Oh, and halloween is my favorite time of year !! More so than Christmas! LOL!

        From reading on the forum, I have come to realize there are quite a few of us on here who are geeky, gamers, and who are into sci-fi, anime etc. So I personally think you fit in here rather well!


          To Stormbreeze, sometimes…I wish I had skipped the human parts myself! lol One of these days I’ll have to list some of my book collection. I’m a huge dragon nut, so I have a lot of books that heavily focus on dragons. And a decent variety of other fantasy and sci-fi books too. Dinosaurs are a close second in my books! XD

          To Amstaff, Thanks! You won’t believe how long I self consciously picked over it! Sadly, I have not actually SEEN any Bruce Lee movies. Which is a personal failing I think (because he’s a pretty impressive guy from what I understand). One day I will remedy this. But I must ask, which is YOUR favorite Bruce Lee movie? It’s always better to start with a recommendation. And what other shows do you favor? I’m always open to hearing about something to geek over that I haven’t heard about before.

          I have to admit, there are definitely a large number of us on this forum. It’s nice to be able to commune without having to go to a convention to do so!

          To Kim, I think fantasy is such an enormously large realm that it’s impossible to say that some of us here are more into it than others. You might be more into fantasy than you realize. 😉 Especially since you enjoy writing! And I have to ask, do you happen to write stories too? It really is nice to find a community that you can share your interests with so easily and openly.

          And I know what you’re talking about in terms of the fantasy shops. We used to have a store around here that specialized in selling almost nothing but the Enchantica line of figures. But they went out of business several years ago. It was a sad loss. That’s why I’m glad we have the ability to go online and find these fun things now!

          As for how many PYOs I’ve done…let me think. I’ve done 5 for myself, 2 for the swaps and 1 as a gift for a friend. So that makes 8 total (two griffons, two keepers, one unicorn, one little dragon, one mother foo and one father foo). I am currently working on a mother foo and I have a griffity and two flap cats in the wings (so to speak, lol). My Windstone collection is horribly small other than the PYOs I have. I only have one emerald peacock mother dragon. My favorite production pieces are the dragons, but I usually can’t afford to indulge in them. I would love to get a rainbow dragon! Preferably a rainbow rising spectral. I guess I’m just a sucker for bright, vibrant colors.


            Welcome! It’s never to late to officially introduce yourself =)


              Hi. I am 31 myself and I still feel like I haven’t grown up yet either and that’s okay because life is a fun as you make it! I think all of us actually ‘fit in’ here because we maybe don’t all fit into everything else popular in society and that works. That’s what makes us all unique and different and I’m proud of it! I am also introverted although I love to write and type about myself and things I am passionate about online so you sound a bit like me that way as you write and express yourself well. I feel this is kind of like a refuge where you can post and be yourself and share some common interests with others who don’t care what you look like or how old you are or if you fit in or are a ‘geek’ or not. I don’t think I am as extensive in my love of fantasy compared to you or others but I have always been a big dreamer and imagine all kinds of things I like to write about and draw and I always loved unicorns and dragons and colourful, pretty fantasy type things I could decorate my space with so that’s what drew me to Windstone. I always wanted to own a gift shop and just be surrounded by figurines and stuffed animals when I was young. Now unfortunately a lot have gone out of business but I am glad there is a platform on the internet that has allowed us collectors to come together and enjoy these things from our computer screens and have them shipped into our homes! So how many pyos have you done and are you working on any now? What pieces do you collect and what are your favourites?

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              To Amstaff, Thanks! You won’t believe how long I self consciously picked over it! Sadly, I have not actually SEEN any Bruce Lee movies. Which is a personal failing I think (because he’s a pretty impressive guy from what I understand). One day I will remedy this. But I must ask, which is YOUR favorite Bruce Lee movie? It’s always better to start with a recommendation. And what other shows do you favor? I’m always open to hearing about something to geek over that I haven’t heard about before.


              As for how many PYOs I’ve done…let me think. I’ve done 5 for myself, 2 for the swaps and 1 as a gift for a friend. So that makes 8 total (two griffons, two keepers, one unicorn, one little dragon, one mother foo and one father foo). I am currently working on a mother foo and I have a griffity and two flap cats in the wings (so to speak, lol). My Windstone collection is horribly small other than the PYOs I have. I only have one emerald peacock mother dragon. My favorite production pieces are the dragons, but I usually can’t afford to indulge in them. I would love to get a rainbow dragon! Preferably a rainbow rising spectral. I guess I’m just a sucker for bright, vibrant colors.

              To be honest with you, I can only remember one of his movies by name (my memory sucks!!, LOL!), and its Enter The Dragon. (likely I remember it cause it has the word dragon in it, LOL!) I enjoyed all his work when I was younger, he was a sort of hero image for me I guess. And me being a young teenager, guess I had a crush on him to, LOL!

              Im into quite a bit of TV shows… I seen all of the Dexter (serial killer who kills bad people only) series, that was amazing, and Breaking Bad (chemistry teacher diagnosed with terminal cancer starts cooking meth for money for his family) as well. I was so upset when that series ended! I also enjoy the Walking Dead of course (ZOMBIES!), True Blood (vampires ‘n more), Game Of Thrones (DRAGONS!), and Sons of Anarchy- (Biker Gang-took me quite a few shows to get into this series, but once in, you grow to love the characters). Oh, and from Netflix I have also watched Orange is The New Black, and True Detective ( Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson).

              I do like Conan The Barbarian to, thats an old classic, but I do like Indiana Jones more. The Chronicles of Narnia is awesome…. as well as any animated movies or Marvel movies 😉

              I cant say I have ever gotten into Anime, not because I wouldnt enjoy it, but rather because I just dont have the time! I guess Im currently into freaky shows that involve morbid things (killing, zombies, blood) and anything Vampire or Zombie related. Oh, and yes Im a Twilight Fan, LOL! (the books are way better than the movies!)

              And speaking of Windstone collections.. I also only have one real Windstone, a Green Male dragon that I got off of ebay a few months ago. Im now into PYO’s and have 3 of them, one of which I just started…. the other 2 will wait until I get a bit better at it, LOL! Im like you, I adore windstone, but cant afford to buy many 🙂 Maybe someday !


                To Lokie, thank you for the welcome and taking the time to stop by and read my intro! Always look forward to seeing your next PYO forum post. Such nice work!

                To Amstaff, Enter the Dragon. That is one of his most famous ones. But even though I’ve heard of it, I haven’t seen it. Isn’t that sad!? I’ll have to remedy this. lol I’ve had my own crushes on actors and such, believe you me. Some I look back on and go…WHY!? Ha ha….

                I’ve heard of Dexter and Breaking Bad. Both of which sound very interesting…though not having cable or satellite kind of deep sixes watching them for me. And I have a friend who just absolutely loves Walking Dead (which also sounds interesting to me). And as for Game of Thrones…I’ll have to go to the books for that one. Again -sighs- no cable. Don’t get me started on recent fantasy and superhero movies…I could go on for hours! So cool! XD

                Can’t blame you for not watching any anime yet. One, I can totally sympathize about not having time. Two, whew…anime is an expensive hobby! That’s why I love me some 2nd & Charles. Second hand dvds for the win! Though if you ever want to see any anime, I’d start with the one shot movies such as what Studio Ghibli releases via Disney over here. Ghibli does beautiful work.

                But since you’re into zombies at the moment…. I do have a link to a short film on youtube. It’s called ‘Cargo’ and it’s a pretty dang good flick. Though I have to warn you, it really got me in the feels when I watched it. But that’s just me.


                And one day, I will get a few MORE Windstones. Just…not sure when that’ll be. lol -whispers- I just got a male dragon off of eBay recently ($60 w/the shipping costs). Hopefully he arrives safely in one piece. My mother dragon was so lonely after all! 😉


                Ooo… you mentioned Anime movies, and I have seen Spirited Away (done by Ghibli) and I loved that movie! I may have to try and dig up more of those kinds of movies.

                Thanks for the link to “Cargo”, I will wait to watch it another time. Since you said it could be emotional… well, and I have to go to work soon enough, lol!

                BTW, I dont watch the the majority of the shows Im into on cable, I have the internet at my fingertips, you can find almost anything on here 😉

                Speaking of ebay, and windstones… I ALSO just purchased my 2nd dragon yesterday from there! LOL! I got lucky on a Black Gold Mother dragon! My buy wasnt as good as yours though, but I still got a deal on it at $75 (not including shipping though). My lonely green male will be happy once she arrives …. isnt that always the worse part, waiting to see if it arrives in the mail safe and sound… *bites fingernails* …. 😛


                  Welcome to the forum! And don’t feel bad about not introducing yourself earlier. I actually never did because it made me too anxious. It actually took me years just to post anything and I still don’t do it very often but you guys are having an interesting conversation so I wanted to join in. You guys have a lot of similar interests.

                  Bruce Lee is amazing and Enter the Dragon is my favorite movie of his. It is definitely worth seeing. I will admit I also had a crush on him when I was in high school. You mentioned Labyrinth as a favorite movie and it’s one of my all time favorites. I still watch it probably once a month. I am also a fan of the Eragon and Dragonriders of Pern books.

                  Studio Ghibli is a great introduction to anime. I saw Spirited Away on cartoon network and I was hooked…nad completely blown away. Miyazaki does such amazing work! Although I will admit that the first anime I ever watched was Hamtaro. My new favorite is Blue Exorcist. I guess I like the anime that’s more silly. My husband is hooked on Attack on Titan but it’s a bit dark for me.

                  I saw your PYO foo dog in the thread nad I really like him! I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.


                    To Amstaff, too true. With the internet at my fingertips…I could try to find those those shows. I’ll make an effort once I go through some of my backlogged shows. Now that I don’t have cable, I have time to watch my dvds! And my male dragon arrived today! XD He showed up safe and sound. What a relief!

                    Seventy-five? That’s still a pretty good deal I think. I hope she arrives safe and sound for you. Oh and as for Ghibli films you might like…. Perhaps Princess Mononoke? That’s a particularly nice film. Very nature themed. I’m also rather fond of Howl’s Moving Castle.

                    To tempest618, XD I watch Labyrinth at least once every time I work on a PYO. It’s been a favorite of mine since I was little. Okay…and now two people have recommended Eragon and Enter the Dragon. Definitely need to stop by the library soon (our library has a DVD section, maybe I’ll get double lucky!).

                    I LOVE silly anime! It’s my favorite type. Slayers is one of my favorites. Sword and sorcery splashed with humor. Shinesman is also a good one. It’s a parody of sentai shows like Power Rangers. I’ve heard of Attack on Titan…but it’s a bit too gory and dark for me. Though I’ve heard it’s well animated. I’m not sure what my first anime was. I mean, when I was a kid I watched ‘Panda and the Magic Serpent’…but didn’t know it was an anime. I also saw Nausicaa but still didn’t know it was anime. I guess my first anime (knowing it was anime) was G-Force and Vampire Hunter D. I enjoy serious anime too but the ones I go back to again and again are the ones with humor and whimsy.

                    And thank you for the compliment on my Foo Dog paint. I appreciate it a lot. It gives me motivation to keep going with my PYO projects. XD Also, thank you for stopping by to comment. It gave me a chance to talk to you when I might not have been able to otherwise. 🙂


                    Thanks for the tips on other Anime movies, I will have to search for some of those. Vampire Hunter D… something tells me I seen something along these lines on TV once… or was there an Anime movie along the same theme? All I can remember is this dark figure shrouded in a full length coat and a cool hat if I remember correctly. I seen some of it on TV once, but after that could never again find it, and didnt know the name of it. It was awesome, and its something I will never forget.

                    Oh, and I also recommend Eragon ! Cool movie ! I have 2 of the books in the series, but never bothered reading them since I was missing the middle issue. Guess I was too lazy to bother trying to find it.. LOL !

                    Glad your Male Dragon showed up fine! Always good news 😉 My guy was posted for $105 , or one could make an offer, so I went and offered $75 not thinking he would actually accept that offer, but he did, and I was happy 🙂


                      Ah! Vampire Hunter D is an anime movie. And I originally saw it on tv. So it may just be the one you’re remembering. Because ‘D’; the main character, did wear a long coat and have a cool hat. Very distinctive. XD I think you may like that one. It has delightfully creepy imagery and is full of monsters. Vampires, werewolves and other supernatural creatures.

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