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  • #781875

    Hello and Welcome and YES, squeak for the PINK! Ski will enjoy, as I do! PINK Old Warrior, excuse me, the correct term is


    Man-Genta Old Warrior! please…squeek*

    Thank you to the entire staff at Windstone!


    Hmmmm man-genta I love it perhaps now is the perfect time to launch a t-shirt and bumper sticker campaign”I squeek for pink”


      Oh yes, the OW would look oh-so handsome in pink. squeek*

      “Man-genta” brings to mind a darker pink, perhaps with a slight purple/fuchsia hue mixed in. The mind wanders.


      Please note:ALL THE CREDIT for MAN-GENTA needs to go to Twindragonsmum, that wonderful brain came up with that one… πŸ˜€

      Squeaking for the MAN-GENTA OLD WARRIOR! squeek*


        LunarTic2 wrote:

        Please note:ALL THE CREDIT for MAN-GENTA needs to go to Twindragonsmum, that wonderful brain came up with that one… πŸ˜€

        Squeaking for the MAN-GENTA OLD WARRIOR! squeek*

        πŸ˜† Y’all’re silly… πŸ˜† *SNERK!* “wonderful brain” XD XD XD I’ll put in a squeak for a man-genta old warrior! squeek* squeek* squeek*




        Oh dear, now we have a Windstone painter who goes for pink to? Bother.
        Welcome anyhow, Jordan! We do love what you do to keep us all in Windstones. πŸ˜€


          Be careful, GB…he might paint up something special just for you. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


          Hi!! Ah yes pink is nice. I did really like that pink lap it’s too bad it’s not available any more….and cool to meet an official painter! Is any of your work going to be available for eBay auctions??


          lamortefille wrote:

          Be careful, GB…he might paint up something special just for you. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

          I think I’d give it to Ski. 8)


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh dear, now we have a Windstone painter who goes for pink to? Bother.
          Welcome anyhow, Jordan! We do love what you do to keep us all in Windstones. πŸ˜€

          Welcome Jordan!!!

          And πŸ˜† at GB. I half-heartedly agree with the sentiment, but not that much. I’m not so adverse to pink as I used to be.


          Dragon87 wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Oh dear, now we have a Windstone painter who goes for pink to? Bother.
          Welcome anyhow, Jordan! We do love what you do to keep us all in Windstones. πŸ˜€

          And πŸ˜† at GB. I half-heartedly agree with the sentiment, but not that much. I’m not so adverse to pink as I used to be.

          I have a reputation to defend, y’know.


            * snerk at GB!*

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜†



              I think some pink gloves would look lovely with Silver…or maybe a pink Buell vest. πŸ˜› πŸ˜† *ducks*

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