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- This topic has 30 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 9 months ago by Lupin.
May 16, 2007 at 5:51 pm #577639
I hope the surgery makes you better. When I was 2 years old, I kept on getting ear infections so they put tubes in my ears and I had a skin graft. They told me that I have a hole in my eardrum, but I went to a different doctor on Friday and he said that the hole isn’t there. I am not sure what to believe because I still get ear infections when I get water in my left ear and I can’t hear as well out of that one. They said that if I want repair it then I can get surgery. I also wanted a prescription incase I get a ear infection again and he wouldn’t give it to me because he said that I would need to be seen if I have a infection. Geesh. I think I am going to see another doctor next time I go there.
May 16, 2007 at 6:05 pm #577640dragonessjade wrote:I hope the surgery makes you better. When I was 2 years old, I kept on getting ear infections so they put tubes in my ears and I had a skin graft. They told me that I have a hole in my eardrum, but I went to a different doctor on Friday and he said that the hole isn’t there. I am not sure what to believe because I still get ear infections when I get water in my left ear and I can’t hear as well out of that one. They said that if I want repair it then I can get surgery. I also wanted a prescription incase I get a ear infection again and he wouldn’t give it to me because he said that I would need to be seen if I have a infection. Geesh. I think I am going to see another doctor next time I go there.
oh sheesh. yeah, i know what that is like. this is my 4’th ENT I have seen. the first ENT I saw had the gul to tell my mom that eather i was faking it or it was mental and not physical. the second ENT siad that most likely I had allergies..but he would take my tonsals out just in case…so i had surgery for my tonsals. after that he had no idea what to do. the third ENT had a cat scan done and low and behold i have a deviated sceptum…that meant nose surgery..
the only thing is a year after the surgery i am having the same probloms..only getting worse. I got new cat scans(I even have a photo of them) and when you compare them with the other two scans i had(one before surgery and one right after) well gues what…they almost all look the same.
this new ENT looks at my scans and tells me,”well you see this and this need to be fixed..other wise the sceptum will not stay strait.” something that the third ENT did not tell me and obviously did not take care of.
I would definately see another doctor. it is a pain when you have docters saying it is more then one thing and can not agree on something that seems like it should be simple. I hope they figure out what is wrong for you. I know how stressful it is to have infections and no one can tell you what is causing it.
May 16, 2007 at 6:11 pm #577641KoishiiKitty wrote:dragonessjade wrote:I hope the surgery makes you better. When I was 2 years old, I kept on getting ear infections so they put tubes in my ears and I had a skin graft. They told me that I have a hole in my eardrum, but I went to a different doctor on Friday and he said that the hole isn’t there. I am not sure what to believe because I still get ear infections when I get water in my left ear and I can’t hear as well out of that one. They said that if I want repair it then I can get surgery. I also wanted a prescription incase I get a ear infection again and he wouldn’t give it to me because he said that I would need to be seen if I have a infection. Geesh. I think I am going to see another doctor next time I go there.
oh sheesh. yeah, i know what that is like. this is my 4’th ENT I have seen. the first ENT I saw had the gul to tell my mom that eather i was faking it or it was mental and not physical. the second ENT siad that most likely I had allergies..but he would take my tonsals out just in case…so i had surgery for my tonsals. after that he had no idea what to do. the third ENT had a cat scan done and low and behold i have a deviated sceptum…that meant nose surgery..
the only thing is a year after the surgery i am having the same probloms..only getting worse. I got new cat scans(I even have a photo of them) and when you compare them with the other two scans i had(one before surgery and one right after) well gues what…they almost all look the same.
this new ENT looks at my scans and tells me,”well you see this and this need to be fixed..other wise the sceptum will not stay strait.” something that the third ENT did not tell me and obviously did not take care of.
I would definately see another doctor. it is a pain when you have docters saying it is more then one thing and can not agree on something that seems like it should be simple. I hope they figure out what is wrong for you. I know how stressful it is to have infections and no one can tell you what is causing it.
I had a good doctor up until he retired (he was the one that said I had a hole in my eardrum) and then I had another good doctor (he didn’t say anything about not having a hole in my eardrum) about 3 years ago, but then he left. And now the search continues. It is really frusterating when the Doctors don’t come to the same conclusion.May 16, 2007 at 7:13 pm #577642KoishiiKitty wrote:gryphondreamer wrote:koshiikitty, i hope surgery works. i had sinus surgery when i was an undergrad. they essentially opened up the passages in my sinuses, like knocking down walls in a building. after that, i stopped getting sinus infections on a regular basis.
I am hoping it works too. I already had one…and evidently it did not work.
it also turned out a combination of my mentral cycle (swelling) and my cats (slight allergies) added to the sinus infections. around this time, i started college and spent a lot less time at home with the cats.
but, i hope the surgery works for you, because purposly getting rid of pets for this reason sucks. 🙁
May 16, 2007 at 8:10 pm #577643If it’s the pet’s you can also tell yourself to “Suck it Up Princess” but not everyone is willing to deal with that!!
BUT Don’t rule out allergies, Also don’t automatically think it has to be pets), just think about everything in your home that contains Perfumes of some kind. Cleaners Laundry soap, shampoo, Glade plug-ins(and the like, and to the stupid humans out there, yes these do contain perfumes, Like DUH!!) Bath Soaps, and Axe, as well as more conventional deoderants, candles, and the list goes on. You’ld be amazed how many people when told they have allergies get rid of pets, bedding, carpets, and everything else that can keep/hold dust and mites and still keep the pretty scented decorator soap or candle, so can’t figure out what’s causing the allergies. Or if they think about their laundry soap but don’t generally have anything else overly scented(or with a specific scent they’re allergic to) they think when they go to someone’s house with a pet that it’s the pet they’re reacting to, and don’t stop to think, or ask about if they use things like inscense or scented candles or those nasty nasty plug-in/Air Wick things.
Ummm yeah sorry for the rant, but I’ve seen people do this and then look at me funny when I have no problem going into a house with pets and will leave a bus or store if someone is wearing perfume. But then again I hate both Pneumonia and Pulmanary distress(Because apparently I’m too stubborn to go into Pulmonary Arrest :?) but over all I think I’m pretty bloody lucky on my health. Born with both genetic Nosebleeds (Which the surgery’s to correct involve Burning the blood vessels closed, and don’t/won’t work anyway), Chronic Asthma and Bronchitis, I do not and refuse to even get the doctor ordered puffers, There’s other ways of controlling it better than Steroids, oh and either born with but most likely long term side effect to an illness as an infant, those stupid stupid chronic earaches, Unlike Dragoness I have so far managed to escape the Tubes, but I do have one of my eardrums covered in holes, and the other is not positioned correctly, and I should be nearly deaf from both, But i’ve never had a DR. tell me that the holes ‘Had grown over” :?, oh and a genetically bad back, unlike my mom I lucked out, she was born with full blown Scoliosis and had to wear a Steel Back Brace for the first 20 someodd years of her life. I also have Insomnia And I think in connection to the rate at which I grew and my current increadibly inactive(for me) lifestyle Joint pain, and lethargy but they are worried that it’s something far more serious and that the insomnia, lethargy and joint pain are actually all connected. But they’re also not sure if I’m very highly specifically triggered Epileptic or if I’m just Narcoleptic from the insomnia. Hmm maybe I am a wreck!! 😯
For the most part it’s just perfumes and the Joints that really bother me, The Lethargy is next but goes away almost completely when I have my dog, so that may just be due to absolute lack of motivation, then again My dog is a Dalmation so I may just be sucking some of her energy when she’s with me!! 😀
May 16, 2007 at 10:43 pm #577644lol, oh my that is a lot of reading.
oh i hate combination illnesses XD those are so anoiying. mine is PTS + social anxiety + sinusitis
I got 9 cats..and i live in california’s Central valley..supposedly the worst place for alergies…
so I had 3 blood tests for allergies. all is normal..no allerygies it says.(which is good because i love my kitties oh so much, they sleep with me)the surgery will really help show what all is wrong. if the deviated sceptum is causing most of it..or if i have a different health problom that the sinus probloms were masking.
May 16, 2007 at 11:30 pm #577645YEAH for not being allergies!!
Hopefully this will fix it forever!! 😀
Even if it does seem to want to take forever for it to happen.May 16, 2007 at 11:32 pm #577646Lupin wrote:YEAH for not being allergies!!
Hopefully this will fix it forever!! 😀
Even if it does seem to want to take forever for it to happen.lol, yes, yay! i was getting bloody tired of hearing,” oh you just have allergies, hear take this.” for a solid 3 years.
May 17, 2007 at 2:14 am #577647Here’s my medical horror story. This happened a few years ago. I had to leave work one morning because of pain in my right side. Tried to get a doctor appointment, but they were too busy. (Looking back, I should have gone to the hospital. Not sure why I didn’t). A few hours later, I went to the doctors office to see if they could get me in. The lady at the desk was pretty snotty and told me it was impossible. Just then one of the nurses came out, so she asked her what she thought. The nurse took one look at me and said “get her in!”. Once in, my doctor decided it was possible kidney stones, gave me a shot for pain, and had me get my parents to come get me. The next day I went to the hospital for tests. Still in pain and now short of breath too. Next day, a friend stops by from work to check on me. She looked at me and said “girl, you look like shit. If you don’t go to the doctor, we’re going to take you”. Ok, I’ll go. At this point I’m so out of it I’m not really thinking too good. I call my mom and she took me to the hospital. Lots of waiting, finally get seen. Diagnosis? Congestive heart failure. Well that earned me a hellicopter ride to another hospital, where they said that my heart was fine. I had pneumonia! On to critical care with a 50% chance to make it. Next night I went into accute respitory distress. Now I get all kinds of tubes stuck down my throat and I drop to 30%. Ended up spending a week there. What made it so bad was that it was viral which is not usually deadly, but can’t be treated. They just kept me alive while it ran it’s coarse.
I ended up missing 6 weeks of work (I refer to it as my vacation from hell). I had to live with my parents for a few weeks when I got out. I was on oxygen and had to use a walker because I lost so much muscle from lack of oxygen. I ended up losing most of that year over all this.
Sorry too be so long winded about this. The main reason I wrote about it is because I want people to realize that pneumonia can hit you out of nowhere. I always thought of it as something that you got along with something else like the flu. Also, I had no other symtoms but shortness of breath and pain in my side. No wheezing or coughing. We thought the shortness of breath was because of the pain I was in. I had no idea it could hit that hard and that fast.
Anyway, good luck with your surgery, Koishii. I hope they get it all fixed for you this time!
May 17, 2007 at 2:35 am #577648Good luck!
Only horror story I have is when I was in labor with my daughter, who incidentally will be a year old on the 23rd.
My nurse left me for 3 hours, on a 20 min mission for a floor doctor. The hospitals policy on nurses was only the assigned nurse would attend the room. So I got no pain killers, and no help outside of my family for all that time.
When she left me I was dialated 3, when she came back I was 8.5, she barely had time to get the doctor on call and the anethesiologist. As it was I was hitting transition while I got the epi, and had to sit still through three contractions while he did it.
In retrospect I think I should have skipped the epi, but man those labor pains were hard to deal with. Worth it, but still a bit on the tough side.
May 17, 2007 at 6:37 pm #577649copper83 wrote:Sorry too be so long winded about this. The main reason I wrote about it is because I want people to realize that pneumonia can hit you out of nowhere.
Lol long winded? Didn’t you see mine? And uh-hunh, I got mine from a person riding the bus who thought it a good idea to bathe in perfume, and it went down hill very quickly from there! And The Pulmonary distress at a different time from co-workers bathing in Axe in the Staff room instead of Showering at home! 👿
May 18, 2007 at 12:51 am #577650Anonymous
And now they just do it at the cafe.
You forgot to mention that a perfume store opened up next door to us 😆
May 21, 2007 at 1:26 am #577651oh wow, i have heard of pneumonia horror stories but nothing like that one. that is quite an experience I hope you never have again.
thank you for sharing.
It is really nice to hear that I’m not the only one who has had horrible health probloms.May 21, 2007 at 3:47 am #577652how are you feeling, koshiikitty? did you have the surgery yet?
May 21, 2007 at 4:44 am #577653gryphondreamer wrote:how are you feeling, koshiikitty? did you have the surgery yet?
nope, not yet. I am waiting for insurance to allow it so i can even get an apointment set up..
today I am paying for all the fun i had yesterday. I lot of pain this morning and migrains that painkillers just could not kill.
When i went out yesterday, we had to wait a good few hours before the sailing tour..so I ended up walking with my parents around the town. we really had not walked very far..i needed to take a break so we sat down in the park and i fell asleep on the grass because i was just so tired out.
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