having a panic attack T______T

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    My parents just left to go to the store (after another screaming fit from my mother telling my I’m an annoying bitch and a pain in her ass), so now I’m sitting here ALONE having a panic attack. I can’t stop crying or shaking, and I keep hearing noises outside. I just came in my room and locked the door. T_____T I can’t stand being alone… I want to die so bad right now. 😥

    Someone just… talk to me or something before I end up calling 911. ;__;



      Take a deep breathe, hold, and then take another one. I’m right here. Keep typing.


        Paper cut, I’m here! I’m petting 2 purring kitties who are sending calming vibes your way….. talk to me sweety….




        *squeaks* I just… hate my mother so much, but I hate being alone even more than that.

        My mother hated me petty much since I was born, probably because I was so sick and almost died. She’s like an animal that knows its baby is sick and just leaves it somewhere to die.

        I don’t know what to do…


        Like Jasmine said – slow, deep breaths. Do you have a radio or i-pod in the room? Music sometimes helps. Or petting a dog. Or staying on the forum. Sometimes if I’m stressed I mellow out by going through the windstone store and checking out every dragon, griffin, etc in every color. It’s kind of a mental break for me. I don’t know if that would help with a panic attack but it might be worth a try.


          We’re right here, I’m not going anywhere. Keep taking deep breathes…I know it’s hard typing when you’re shaking bad but keep trying.


            just PM’ed you…. Hang tough…. you can do this….




            I don’t have a radio or ipod… and the animals will just make it worse. I’ve been trying to do things to calm down but it’s not working. When I get like this the only thing that would help is my parents coming home, but I have a feeling my mother will try everything she can to keep my father at the store as long as possible just to stay away from me. I wanted to go with them but she wouldn’t let me. That was when she started screaming at me.


              What have you tried? Some warm tea or hot cocoa, hugging a pillow, wrapping up in a favorite blanket or sweatshirt…..




                Grabbing a pillow and squeezing helps.


                I’m sweating too much for that. x.x I would play my DS or something, but I don’t want to leave the computer. ;-;


                  Can’t you sit in front of the computer and play? We’re all still here. Not going anywhere.


                  I guess… I’d probably get distracted though and forget I was talking to you. ^^;


                    That’s okay…. distracting is what it’s all about….



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