Have Windstones taken over your house?

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    Looking for ideas of how to manage my growing collection, so I thought it would be fun to ask how everyone else deals with Windstone display and storage. I got a new case for my collection today, a nice and sturdy barrister bookcase that I anchored into a stud in the wall so I no longer live in fear of flimsy shelves and earthquakes! I THOUGHT when I got this new case, I’d have more room for my collection to grow, but I filled it up no problem. So now I have a four-shelf bookcase, a china cabinet, and a shorter components/stereo cabinet, all full of Windstones :bigsmile:

    I know there are people here with crazy huge awesome collections…so the question is, where the hell do you keep them all? Do you keep them all behind glass or just dust obsessively? Do Windstones cover every surface or do they have their own room? Are only your favorites on display and the rest carefully boxed away? Do you run a Windstone museum and charge admission?


      They are . They have taken over 2 of my curio cabnits . And are going packed in them . And have taken over a wooden bookcase .


        Mine are literally all over the house, here and there, scattered. I don’t have them all in one spot. For example, I have the deep blue ones (all PYOs) in my bedroom because that color goes well there. My family of sunset griffins has its own shelf on the wall, and so do my two silver dragons. I essentially try to find the best spot for each piece, which of course sometimes means rearranging everyone around.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Well I have 2 large enclosed China Cabinets, 2 tall large 6 shelf enclosed China cabinets 2 smaller 3 shelf enclosed cabinets, A 4 shelf 22″ deep enclosed cabinet and the one my TV sits on has 4 little shelfs that are full last my book shelf that only has the gargoyle ones in it Oh I forgot my computer hutch has them all over too.I just hate to dust! Plus my attic has boxes of unopened Windstones that won’t fit out. I never have to dust those! Yes I am so darn funny. But it’s true.



            I’d love to know this too. I have 3 shelves of them, but it’s pretty tight quarters (especially since the shelves are small >.< )


            I don’t have a big collection at all, I’m not a huge dragon person so I just have some Unis, Gothic uni and Poads =)
            They all sit on my dressing table, and get dusted occasionally.


              Mine have their own room now… I should start charging rent

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                LOL drag0n!! :bigsmile:

                About half of mine are out, they live on various bookcases, shelves and other flat surfaces with various other toys, books and stuff. At one point they were all out but the place I’m in now I don’t have the room! I’m looking forward to getting my own place (after school and finding a job) so they can all live free :bigsmile:

                Wampus Dragon

                  I have 3 barrister bookcases full top to bottom, a curio, the top of my desk hutch and the the top of my dresser and nightstand. All covered in Windstones.


                  I have 3 barrister bookcases full top to bottom, a curio, the top of my desk hutch and the the top of my dresser and nightstand. All covered in Windstones.

                  You were the person who gave me to idea to use barrister bookcases! Thanks much for that, it really is a sturdy piece of furniture since it’s made to hold heavy as hell textbooks yet also keeps all the dust off. When I get some spare cash again I’m going to try to replace my stereo cabinet with another barrister. They just make wonderful dragon houses!


                  I hate leaving my pieces setting out to get dust on them. It feels like I am depreciating an investment. Recently I added a couple of empty aquariums. Sometimes you can get a fairly good sized aquarium or an odd sized one on sale for a reasonable price. I talked to Jennifer about this a while ago and she said that there are even certain bulbs that can go into the hoods that would be o.k. to use as display lighting. The ones that mimic UV rays wouldn’t be a good choice as they could cause fading.

                  The other cool thing about this (I am thinking of some of you artists out there) is that you can also put a painting or scene behind your collection. I am lucky because I have an artist in the family who can paint me what I want. You could cut down a scenic poster, anything you can imagine.

                  I started doing this a few years back to keep the dust off some of my fairies (some of them had rooted hair – so dust is really an issue). It was too fun to create a little environment for them with silk plants and stuff. I even raised some areas in the back of the aquarium with little boxes and then covered the whole bottom with green cloth. This made it look like there were little hills. I could display things on different levels and tiny stuff in the back would not get blocked by the items in front.


                  🙁 Jealous of people close to an IKEA. I’ve looked online but the shipping to myneck of the woods is outrageous!


                  Ikea can be a wonderful place; my office is about half Ikea right now. And that’s where all the Windstones are. This is the one room in the house the dogs NEVER are allowed in (standard schnauzers tend to roughhouse a lot, so nothing is safe at their end of the house). Of the cats, only the better behaved one comes in here as well, and she’s the one who will actually respond to the word “No” like she understands it.

                  That’s a good thing, because about half of my crew is not behind glass. I specifically found a small 5 shelf glass and wood curio for this room right after I got my CP male in January–there wasn’t much useable space for a cabinet in here, but I found one that fit. The male gave me dirty looks the whole time he was in there. Once the lap dragon joined him, forget it. She wanted on the desk, so that’s where he ended up as well. And it’s a good thing that the desk is oversized, because a GB poad and a PYO wolf joined them there. The new rule is no more Windstones on the desk! There’s also a curlie on an Ikea Lack narrow tall shelf next to my favorite hanging out chair. So those five are the ones that all need regular dusting–a big PITA. (Those open shelves, BTW, feel solid and are not adjustable–but they have a weight limit of 7 pounds per shelf. A male will fit in the spacing between shelves, so that gives you an idea of height.)

                  The other Windstones in the house don’t seem to have attitude problems around being behind glass, so the small flap cats, a couple of PYOs, and the GBBs are all in the curio, along with my fossils. It’s just as well; the shelves are tempered glass and those pieces are all pretty lightweight. I don’t think I’d be comfortable with putting the bigger dragons in there, even though they’d look really pretty. I’m trying to stick with small stuff right now as dusting these pieces can be a bit of a chore, but if the larger sculpts start to multiply, I’m going to have to do some rearranging to get a barrister bookcase in here too…!


                    Two curio’s (one is full the other has windstone’s in it) and a shelf in the living room…


                      I hate leaving my pieces setting out to get dust on them. It feels like I am depreciating an investment. Recently I added a couple of empty aquariums. Sometimes you can get a fairly good sized aquarium or an odd sized one on sale for a reasonable price. I talked to Jennifer about this a while ago and she said that there are even certain bulbs that can go into the hoods that would be o.k. to use as display lighting. The ones that mimic UV rays wouldn’t be a good choice as they could cause fading.

                      The other cool thing about this (I am thinking of some of you artists out there) is that you can also put a painting or scene behind your collection. I am lucky because I have an artist in the family who can paint me what I want. You could cut down a scenic poster, anything you can imagine.

                      I started doing this a few years back to keep the dust off some of my fairies (some of them had rooted hair – so dust is really an issue). It was too fun to create a little environment for them with silk plants and stuff. I even raised some areas in the back of the aquarium with little boxes and then covered the whole bottom with green cloth. This made it look like there were little hills. I could display things on different levels and tiny stuff in the back would not get blocked by the items in front.

                      Windstone Wench that’s the greatest idea! I have a pretty full barrister’s bookcase now and will probably have to get another at the rate I’m going! But the aquariums would work so I could get the kids into other rooms!

                      Life is beautiful.

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